PSA: Name fags are fagging up this forum



I noticed you are the new Tony alt and got bummed when everyone mocked you for your bus shennanigans

You are travis bickle Snake, Tony, Volkav

eat my entire ass

I'm the real Quint
different writing styles...but for sure Tony has an alt by now.


I think everyone has noticed I have stopped coming around here much since the lucy lawless cringe started

I hadn’t noticed to be completely honest witcha.

There's a core group of 3-4 lucy users here that are way too close to each other for grown men on the internet and I don't like it.




This forum saved my life!
I hadn’t noticed to be completely honest witcha.


View attachment 36126

Yeah I was being deliberately obnoxious, way to pick up on social cues you zilch.

In all honesty, all kidding aside, 100% truth, you, @ShutYourCakeHorn and @jackmehoff are fucking sad. Seriously, what are you doing? You're are all on here 16 hours a day yet you contribute little to nothing against pat or any target. Do you think you are being funny with the lucy shit? Do you think its being cutesy? Do you think its being ironic? Do you think its annoying anybody? Because its not doing any of that, I went against it merely to get a reaction from you but even that was uninteresting, its merely banal. People are just not engaging with it anymore, it's just tedious. Nobody cares if you carry on with it for the foreseeable future, we just scroll past it instinctually. I really don't think you three get this board or the show, you were those pests that would call in all excited with the shitty show catchphrases whilst completely missing the point only to receive a disgusted 'ugghh'.


Yeah I was being deliberately obnoxious, way to pick up on social cues you zilch.

In all honesty, all kidding aside, 100% truth, you, @ShutYourCakeHorn and @jackmehoff are fucking sad. Seriously, what are you doing? You're are all on here 16 hours a day yet you contribute little to nothing against pat or any target. Do you think you are being funny with the lucy shit? Do you think its being cutesy? Do you think its being ironic? Do you think its annoying anybody? Because its not doing any of that, I went against it merely to get a reaction from you but even that was uninteresting, its merely banal. People are just not engaging with it anymore, it's just tedious. Nobody cares if you carry on with it for the foreseeable future, we just scroll past it instinctually. I really don't think you three get this board or the show, you were those pests that would call in all excited with the shitty show catchphrases whilst completely missing the point only to receive a disgusted 'ugghh'.

Dude you know there's an ignore button right? I didn't know there was a guideline on how to participate on this board. You take this shit way too seriously. Mind your own fucking business and take your medication.
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This forum saved my life!
Dude you know there's an ignore button right? I didn't know there was a guideline on how to participate on this board. You take this shit way too seriously. Mind your own fucking business and take your medication.

Chill out, I was just joking. You guys are alright imo. Constantly posting pics of a washed up actress is an hilarious bit and I hope it continues.


Yeah I was being deliberately obnoxious, way to pick up on social cues you zilch.

In all honesty, all kidding aside, 100% truth, you, @ShutYourCakeHorn and @jackmehoff are fucking sad. Seriously, what are you doing? You're are all on here 16 hours a day yet you contribute little to nothing against pat or any target. Do you think you are being funny with the lucy shit? Do you think its being cutesy? Do you think its being ironic? Do you think its annoying anybody? Because its not doing any of that, I went against it merely to get a reaction from you but even that was uninteresting, its merely banal. People are just not engaging with it anymore, it's just tedious. Nobody cares if you carry on with it for the foreseeable future, we just scroll past it instinctually. I really don't think you three get this board or the show, you were those pests that would call in all excited with the shitty show catchphrases whilst completely missing the point only to receive a disgusted 'ugghh'.
Damn! Volkov coming out swinging with the hammer TAH-DAY!


I guess having fun on this forum isn’t allowed, they hate that. *sniff*. We all have to take it so seriously.