Post your favorite To Catch a Predator clips


What do ya think he won that trophy on the upper-right for?
Worst trailer in Maine.

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This dude is on another level of retarded to think any kind of girl would want to be with him let alone to keep falling for this shit over and over again.
He's like a decade in almost with phone catfishes. He's cold sober now because the terms of his probation after his second stint in jail was no drinking or face a lengthy term. He got a slap on the wrist with 6 months the last time.

It just goes to show Maine's legal system is a joke. He's STILL in his sex offender class. Which I believe should of been wrapped up in a year or so.


don't call me scarface


Go on jewtube and look up TCAP transcripts. You don't even need to read as typically people act them out.

Sokol was the one who admitted on the texts he had a small dick, lol