Post your favorite To Catch a Predator clips


I know- but how come none if them took a swing at Hansen or any of the faggots behind the cameras?
It's really hard to say. I would assume they're overcome with such an intense level of fear they become locked in place. The majority immediately comply and do everything Hansen says. They almost all do say they think Chris is a cop so they would assume he's got a gun.




Formerly know as Fat Abbot
This isn't To Catch a Predator but it's just as funny.

I've tried watching a few of these catching predators channels. They're alright, but nowhere as good as TCAP was. The most memorable one i saw wasn't even funny, but they went to go meet these people in a Walmart and the predator had other people in the mall watching and giving them signals so it was very obvious they were part of a sex traffiking ring or something.

Still better than the last show Chris Hansen tried to do.
