Piggy's swatting discussed on 'Dave & Chuck the Freak'



And the tall fella seems formidable too

does he?
Nana and The Worm would get 45 minutes of Mr Ed material out of this one pic.

would they?
I think @RobertMewler should be our ambassador to shock jockery if we were going to do something like that.

should she?
True. But one of the drugged-out foreign guys would be funny

would it?

it's monday morning and the packers lost, y'all should have a fire under your ass getting the week started as pigman is grumpy and hungover, this is prime time cyberstalking hours and we get stuck with low effort posts like this?

You all want ribs for that horse shit? you know who gets ribs? felons. Let's see some more felonies, children


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Someone needs to call them and explain our side of the story.
So long as a mongoloid from a meth town isn't representing us, I'm good.

I sent an email to the American fan - that's his hometown. He's a well spoken fella. However, he hates these guys, and I can't say what I've heard has been all that good.

This though? I'll give it to em, they grasped the situation better than anyone else in the "media" that's caught wind of it. I'm a very firm believer now that one of them (probably Chuck) either atalks or posts here, and I feel a little bad now that I've been cross towards them.

God really is a Patposter.