Piggy's swatting discussed on 'Dave & Chuck the Freak'

Harry Powell

I think she looks cute. She's got that mid-western hangs-with-the-guys look about her, like Donna from That 70s Show or Sally from 3rd Rock.
She looks like one of the creatures from Beetlejuice in the promo pic. I think it’s lighting because she looks decent in the other photo in this thread.

End of the day she bashed Pat on the radio so she can get me at full-mast any time


What you Torquin 'bout Wheelers
Soon they will be up on felony broadcasting charges. Knock is coming, wait for it.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
I think @RobertMewler should be our ambassador to shock jockery if we were going to do something like that. They expect some fat basement dweller so to have it be a woman with a pleasant sounding voice would really throw them off.

It's either her or Bam; and Bam's likely to go off on one about Yakub grafting white demons in between bong hits, so it's gotta be Mewler.