Piggy's swatting discussed on 'Dave & Chuck the Freak'


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy

I'm going to tell my grandchildren this was Dan & Flavia


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy

I found their subreddit. Look at them figuring out how the hole bit works on their own.

I promise I'm not trolling here. I'm a huge fan of Dave and Chuck, so I want the show to be as good as it can possibly be. But I feel that's being totally hampered by Lisa, and I want to know if others feel the same way, or if I'm being unreasonable?
All of the other primary voices on the show are true radio professionals. Dave organizes the stories, delivers a consistent tone, and does a good job keeping the show on a brisk cadence. Chuck runs the board, acts as a great counter to Dave's personality, brings in all kinds of voices and characters, etc. Some may feel Andy is "rough around the edges", but he also adds more voices and personality, and delivers the absolute funniest moments of the show (for example, "No D*ck Chuck").
And then... there's Lisa. Don't get me wrong, the show should absolutely have at least one woman in the studio. It adds an extra prospective, can corral the guys when they need it, and broadens the appeal of the show outside just men's interests. But I feel Lisa doesn't bring anything special in that role.
She doesn't do voices, she doesn't really offer any interesting insights, and she'll go long stretches where she doesn't even speak at all. There are so many times when she hurts or even kills the direction of a bit (for example, not understanding Chuck's sarcasm. I feel that happens quite a bit).
And perhaps worst of all, the other show members way overreact to the things she says. Part of what makes D&C so hilarious is that the crew consistently laughs at the others' jokes, which is so contagious and elevates the humor of the show. But Lisa rarely offers an actual comedic line, so they go way overboard in trying to wring whatever humor they can out of what she doe say. She'll say something totally simple like "No, that's gross". And the rest of them just go crazy with laughter like "ohhhhh! hahahahah. Italian Lisa! haha 'no!' hahaha 'gross!' haha". God, when that happens I can't mash the skip forward button= fast enough.
And look, I'm totally willing to consider if I'm bringing a sexist bias here (I'm a man). But going the other way - it makes me sad to think of all the female radio talent out there who invest in their craft and could totally bring way more to the show than Lisa, who generally just floats along in the booth, occasionally throwing out basic lines, and being carried by the talent of the other crew members.
If you've made it this far in my rant, I'd love to know your thoughts! Am I out of bounds here, or does anyone agree with me? I love the show and would love to see it be as good as it can be.