Piggy is getting drunk at Applebees


Getting my rocks off. Emptying my boulders.

This is the closest applebees so there will be a 20 minute drunk driving session soon. Hopefully the people of Milwaukee stay safe today.


Stand Alone Fruit
At least getting daydrunk at the biergarten or Bastille Day festival had the tiniest air of class to them.

Getting daydrunk at Applebee's simply because they have a special on rum buckets is Lady Di levels of pathetic.
They had to switch to booze since beers are getting too expensive so now it’s 10 dollar rum buckets. They’re in their 40s yet have to look for drink specials because the money is running out.


They’re running out of money and need to get drunk for cheap. The bars he goes to are too expensive for beer, that’s why they’re switch to mixer drink specials which are made with the most bottom shelf booze. The liquor used in these drinks only come in plastic bottles because they’re so cheap.
I'm surprised he hasn't bought a bunch of discounted Bud Light and combined his love of alcohol and virtue signaling.