Piggy coping about his (soon to be) first divorce



Obsessive tracking of my movements and public appearances

Piggy, you changed your fucking Twitter handle to say where you were going, you posted the schedule of your events, and even said when/how you were going. It's not like anyone has to do any kind of digging at all, anyone can find out where he's going by browsing his Twitter while they take a shit.

Notice that nobody knew he was going to Vegas/BRYCE CANYUN! or when he went to Costa Rica because, shocker, he didn't plaster it all over Twitter til he came back. Amazing how that happens.

He might really be one of the stupidest people I have ever come across on the internet. He's certainly one of the fattest.


He has never been doxxed. He posts with his own name.

He also hasn’t been obsessively tracked, because any “tracking” done is straight from his own tweets.

“Hey everyone, Patrick Tomlinson here. I’m going to be at this conference signing books on Friday at noon, please come and say hi”

Guy goes to conference and takes a picture of him with no fans in line.

“OMG I’m being stalked across multiple states. Everyone who posted about it should be in Guantanamo”