Pig is picking a twitter fight with this guy, and so far its going great.




Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.


Founder, Order of the Nine Angels
He's still responding hourly to that guy on goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/review/show.html?id=4526428425&page=3

That's been going on for more than a month now.

This is never ever going to end. Getting the last word is more important than anything to this mentally deranged fat fuck.
I heard of that thread but didn't know it was still going on.

I think we may have missed this gem from Mar 6:

Screen Shot 2022-03-08 at 5.25.23 PM.jpg

Why would doxxing info to White supremacists be any worse than just doxxing your info? You ain't black, nigga.

Is it because White supremacists supposedly funded Quasi (aka Rahul Kumar)? Why would White Supremacists fund a dot head to take down another White person?

I'm sure it all makes sense to Fatty.


Someone with a Twitter account should point out to Patty that the photo isn't from August, it's from 2016. The original author posted about it this August



You should take the charge and just beat the shit outta him, in nba2k or something.
Believe me I would love to but unfortunately I have this guilt thing where I can't bring myself to fight somebody who doesn't want to fight. I would feel like a sick sociopath and I just can't do it.

I'll kick his ass at Xbox tho.