@PickleRickle likes talking about "chicks" Exhibit 3 (Funniest thread in the farms GTFIH!)

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
This Luna bitch is crazy, obsessed with that Jordanna cunt, uses Arabic words, poorly developed takes on "geopolitics." Is that you lady alt, boqster?

Where did you find the pics, r/transpassing? "She" got a jaw like a cow catcher and Mattingly sideburns
lol I think that crack you smoke is making you hallucinate. That’s obviously not the boqster.


Being a john don't make ya a bad person.

just ask robert kraft- sometimes you just gotta bust a nut , time= money.
But read his posts...i know you sex monger too, but there isn't this validat-y, pathological vibe to it...you just consume it like others buy sneakers, colognes etc. I get it. @PickleRickle is the creep who walks in strip clubs 10 mins before last call and simps for the Ukrainian sex trafficked women, and promises to buy them a pack of cheetos from the vending machine and a pair of diesel jeans so they can blow him.


You are not a glowie. You are just stupid.

Bock doesnt find the woman in red attractive. Interesting.

Boqqie McFarlane

Multifacted, Beautiful, and Quaint
Boq why are you sperging at Pickle when I'm the one who got you riled up?
Misdirected anger because I ran circles around you but you think Pickle isn't?

You're a better lolcow than Rick
He picks targets he believes are beneath him and hides from those that demonstrate intellectual superiority


This Luna bitch is crazy, obsessed with that Jordanna cunt, uses Arabic words, poorly developed takes on "geopolitics." Is that you lady alt, boqster?

Where did you find the pics, r/transpassing? "She" got a jaw like a cow catcher and Mattingly sideburns

Hey crackhead, do better...My discord j's are all queens (pay attention the voice...she may call you some day...nah she doesnt fuck with crackhead anonymous losers in a defunct place, except maybe dossier cultivating, idk)

[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.youtube.com/@Lunadeus333[/URL]