Pat's interview on "Rizzo & Jeff"



This is retarded. Now we're not Norm fans, we're "white supremacists", he's "in the middle" politically. He also said it was 3 armed responses and these two retards are not even questioning this.

It's attempted murder, because somebody died this way, so driving is attempted murder? He could have a hammer and get shot. Say naked again faggot. Sorry for the stream of consciousness but insanity is hard to keep up with.


May St. Mel bless you
If you split Pat in two using science, the two halves would look like Rizzo and Jeff. 🤢🤮



can anyone unearth O&A archival audio of this fag getting Jocktober'd?

and was Nikki's grandfather death in July known like Pat says or is it new info? I missed it?
The guy's voice sounds like the jock who had a weird of saying something like, "NY township". I think the story had to do with Halloween. That's all I can help you with. :)

No, I don't think anyone here knew about Niki's grandfather's death. He's LYING.