Patrick Hit Like When I Told Him To Pay Quasi



is there anything worse than a fat youtube streamer in his 40s?

is there anything worse than a fat youtube streamer in his 40s that writes anime manga sci-fi shit?

is there anything worse than a fat youtube streamer in his 40s that writes anime manga sci-fi shit and draws racy questionably legal women to appeal to the incel fanbase?

is there anything worse than a fat youtube streamer in his 40s that writes anime manga sci-fi shit and draws racy questionably legal women to appeal to the incel fanbase and trys to grift on a forum dedicated to a defunct radio show from the mid 2000's?

is there anything worse than a fat youtube streamer in his 40s that writes anime manga sci-fi shit and draws racy questionably legal women to appeal to the incel fanbase and trys to grift on a forum dedicated to a defunct radio show from the mid 2000's but doesn't respond to being shit on (aka cant roll wit da punches) because deep down he's a stealthygeek that can't say nigger to the resident black woman?

Will Tate

Oven March
Show some respect. JDA was fighting SFWA pedos when most of you were young enough to get molested by them!
Since he was 18! sniff
Call me a nigger, bitch.
Can I?