Patposter Census: Religious Affiliation Survey

Patposter Census: Religious Affiliation

  • Agnostic

    Votes: 23 22.8%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 9 8.9%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 5 5.0%
  • Christian (Catholic)

    Votes: 36 35.6%
  • Christian (Orthodox)

    Votes: 9 8.9%
  • Christian (Heretic)

    Votes: 11 10.9%
  • Hindu (Admin)

    Votes: 3 3.0%
  • "Spiritual" (Faggot)

    Votes: 5 5.0%

  • Total voters


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
This is why Catholics reject scripture as a sole arbiter of theological truth and instead humbly defer to the wisdom and interpretations of sacred tradition, Thomas Aquinas, and the infallible magisterium of our holy mother church. :brothaman_sm:

Many Christians attend church for that reason. To listen to a trusted religious leader impart wisdom and interpretations of the holy text. Gaining knowledge, insight, and better understanding.

But sitting alone in your room playing Star Wars video games? Thinking I alone know what God & Jesus want, and every insane opinion I have is the will of the Lord? Then going and spreading that message, falsifying Christianity to support your individual opinions as much as you possibly can? That's heresy.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Lay off the Jay Dyer videos, brother. We are in schism but both of our churches have apostolic succession and valid sacraments. The path to God is through the Eucharist. John 6:53-54.
I don't know who that fella is, but yes we do have proper succession. The whole infallible Pope thing though is a bit of a wrench in the works. I know I know you all walked that back but seeing people kiss an old virgins feet on God's holidays hurts my soul.

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
I'd like to say I'm a bonafide Catholic but I'd rather be honest to my brothermen and admit I'm more agnostic these days. Still value the teachings of both Roman and Eastern Christianity (the only non-faggot ones) but I can't help feel both kinda got lost over the years. Secular control of the Eastern Churches and corruption with the Roman one really did a number on them, and their attempts to "modernize" in recent decades can be argued to be downright heretical in some respects and just plain gay in others.


هيئة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر
I don't know who that fella is, but yes we do have proper succession. The whole infallible Pope thing though is a bit of a wrench in the works. I know I know you all walked that back but seeing people kiss an old virgins feet on God's holidays hurts my soul.
The vast majority of Orthodox theologians agree that, barring schism, Petrine primacy would confer a privileged status to the Bishop of Rome, at least in principle.

As far as Papal Infallibility, we never walked that back, but it’s an often misunderstood dogma that just refers to the Pope being protected from teaching error when clarifying and codifying faith and morals into the deposit of faith. As the successor to Saint Peter, the Pope is entrusted with the keys to the kingdom and can pronounce binding theological clarifications (not alterations) when speaking ex cathedra.

All this isn’t meant to argue for the correctness of Papal Infallibility so much as to point out that, at least doctrinally, it’s not really all that different to believing that God gifted the apostles and church fathers with special charisms to correctly teach and preserve the gospel regardless of their personal flaws and failures.
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Sue Lightning

Depressing amount of faggot agnostics and atheists.

Probably think they’re smarty pants who don’t fall for religious dogma etc etc etc, all the usual retard stuff.
I mean you are a heretic, it's okay they don't execute heretics anymore, at least in most countries. You might as well be saying "God loves the Dallas Cowboys!"

You don't attend church, you pick and choose bible verses based on what 4chan posts, and you weaponize Christianity to defend whatever insane thought enters your head.

That isn't heresy how? Lemme guess, more ignoring what I'm saying to make ad hominem attacks.
You two fags are two sides of a retarded coin. Nobacon can’t stop proselytizing and forcing us to accept Christ. Jenna can’t stop being an edgy atheist and interfering in Christian beliefs. Can’t you two behave and LEAVE IT ALONE?
I'd like to say I'm a bonafide Catholic but I'd rather be honest to my brothermen and admit I'm more agnostic these days. Still value the teachings of both Roman and Eastern Christianity (the only non-faggot ones) but I can't help feel both kinda got lost over the years. Secular control of the Eastern Churches and corruption with the Roman one really did a number on them, and their attempts to "modernize" in recent decades can be argued to be downright heretical in some respects and just plain gay in others.
Do you have a TLM parish nearby? Vatican II was a valid church council and imho resulted in some of the best theological documents of the modern era, but its implementation at the parish-level has been a disaster. It’s no surprise that as Novus Ordi attendance is on a sharp decline while Latin Mass and Eastern Catholic parishes are steadily growing. As the boomers die off this trend will only get more dramatic.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
You two fags are two sides of a retarded coin. Nobacon can’t stop proselytizing and forcing us to accept Christ. Jenna can’t stop being an edgy atheist and interfering in Christian beliefs. Can’t you two behave and LEAVE IT ALONE?

I've never been an atheist. I believe in a Higher Power and behave in accordance to what I feel is "good".

NoBacon is a lot like Patrick in many ways, while Patrick uses "the right side of history" to justify spewing hatred, NoBacon uses "it's the Lord's will". It's all searching for some faggy higher cause so you don't have to take accountability for what a shitty, hateful person you've become. I don't rely on any higher cause for my bullshit.

Oh no, if you disagree with me than you're a (ad hominen insult)! Pat calls me a Nazi terrorist, NoBacon calls me a Jew Satanist. Just two sad adult men who need their opinions validated because mommy didn't give them enough praise.


The gunslinger.
I've never been an atheist. I believe in a Higher Power and behave in accordance to what I feel is "good".

NoBacon is a lot like Patrick in many ways, while Patrick uses "the right side of history" to justify spewing hatred, NoBacon uses "it's the Lord's will". It's all searching for some faggy higher cause so you don't have to take accountability for what a shitty, hateful person you've become. I don't rely on any higher cause for my bullshit.

Oh no, if you disagree with me than you're a (ad hominen insult)! Pat calls me a Nazi terrorist, NoBacon calls me a Jew Satanist. Just two sad adult men who need their opinions validated because mommy didn't give them enough praise.



The gunslinger.
You two fags are two sides of a retarded coin. Nobacon can’t stop proselytizing and forcing us to accept Christ. Jenna can’t stop being an edgy atheist and interfering in Christian beliefs. Can’t you two behave and LEAVE IT ALONE?

I only ever talk about my beliefs and my worship of Christ.

@Jenna what “insane” beliefs am I projecting? That Eric Hildeman is a pedophile or niggers are violent? Soooooo insane!


Currently dying of shit eating disease.
Stent Feznor and I worked at a church. I did all kinds of back breaking labor for that place and never got paid. Nobody's sure what Stent even did there but he had a salary. I was also killed like 100 different times there. It's hard to explain if you weren't there.