Pat Tomlinson, in fear for his life, sharing location information in advance

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5

Those stlaker children must be really shitty at their passion.


A month out and he's already trying to force himself on these other weirdo fags. That whole tweet comes across stilted as fuck.

My first thought was that I guarantee there is a private conversation that happens among the others in the @writersymposium about how to deal with him.

I'd also bet that there are plenty in that scene who have never met him but have heard the stories through the years about what a narcissist he is and how he's such an asshole to his peers and his betters.


Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
If something is a month away, you may say it's "imminent."

Professional writer, everyone!
All Pat has going on in his life are Twitter and fleeing the bailiffs sent round to sort out the debts they just refused to pay in public court documents. You best believe he’s counting the sleeps to his next opportunity to go out of town.

Tagine Enthusiast

Gifted by Lynne!
He’s taking an awful lot of vacations for someone who doesn’t work and also has at least six figures of outstanding debts being chased down by creditors.
Ghosting your trustee in debt proceedings whilst posting about how your frivolously spending money is complete insanity. I have no idea what the next possible steps are legally but it need to be either prison for disobeying a court order or force him to sell the hovel.


Blue Oyster Dolt
The fact that Mama Raven talked to Pat about the fornication session that spawned him says a lot about how he ended up completely fucked in the head.
You're giving him too much credit -- it's completely fabricated. It either really happened (0.1% chance), Mama Raven told him that lie (5% chance), or the fat retard made it up himself (94.9% chance). Embarrassing any way you slice it.