Pat oinking heavy on threads (actual tough guy appearance!)

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
Funny also how Pat claims to get in all kinds of bar fights yet has ZERO record of assault. Claims police knew he did not assault any of the people in his long history of violent bar fights.
It's easily one of the most preposterous and childlike of his tall tales, along with his knife-fighting persona. It's one thing to be delusional enough to convince yourself you're not fat, but that shit also shows how fucking distorted his grasp on reality is if he thinks anything about that is remotely feasible.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Christopher Bair is a pedophile who writes about Japanese schoolgirls. Amazing how they just flock to Rick.


Момент Силышенко

The Butcher of Slutsk
It's easily one of the most preposterous and childlike of his tall tales, along with his knife-fighting persona. It's one thing to be delusional enough to convince yourself you're not fat, but that shit also shows how fucking distorted his grasp on reality is if he thinks anything about that is remotely feasible.
the useless cops saw me neutralize several stlaker children, and decided on the spot I was completely right to do it, this happens a lot. The family restaurant, where I author gay space books at the bar, lets me attack other patrons.


Stand Alone Fruit
the useless cops saw me neutralize several stlaker children, and decided on the spot I was completely right to do it, this happens a lot. The family restaurant, where I author gay space books at the bar, lets me attack other patrons.
It’s also clear he’s never even been near a bar fight as it’s nothing to brag about. Bar fights are between drunk assholes and the most the time it’s just shoving and falling over. Nobody admires someone who gets in bar fights and it’s something retards do that can’t handle their booze.

He was bragging about this in his mid 30s like it’s cool to be a problem in a bar.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
It’s also clear he’s never even been near a bar fight as it’s nothing to brag about. Bar fights are between drunk assholes and the most the time it’s just shoving and falling over. Nobody admires someone who gets in bar fights and it’s something retards do that can’t handle their booze.

He was bragging about this in his mid 30s like it’s cool to be a problem in a bar.
He wouldnt last a month as a bouncer.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
Lawyer must have told him "no, you do not have a winnable lawsuit against Craigslist"

I bet he childed his lawyers and this is his act of defiance

Given the timeline they agreed on and the crazy shit he's doing to himself. It wouldn't surprise me. He only has a month to add more stupid shit to his lawsuit so he's probably yelling at them to add paintgate, chairgate, and anything else he's fatflagging into it.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Given the timeline they agreed on and the crazy shit he's doing to himself. It wouldn't surprise me. He only has a month to add more stupid shit to his lawsuit so he's probably yelling at them to add paintgate, chairgate, and anything else he's fatflagging into it.
And none of those events have anything to do with the police answering swatting calls. Of course Pat is going try and cram all his problems into one case. Im sure he will bring up Dan too. Im sure his lawyers are trying to keep him focused on the events that they were hired to address and pat keep coming to them over stupid shit like lawn chairs and craigslist. Just trying to find someone with a lot of money that they can sue. I bet pat gets really mad at them when they say " We cant do anything with that. You will need to file a separate case if you want to pursue that."
And none of those events have anything to do with the police answering swatting calls. Of course Pat is going try and cram all his problems into one case. Im sure he will bring up Dan too. Im sure his lawyers are trying to keep him focused on the events that they were hired to address and pat keep coming to them over stupid shit like lawn chairs and craigslist. Just trying to find someone with a lot of money that they can sue. I bet pat gets really mad at them when they say " We cant do anything with that. You will need to file a separate case if you want to pursue that."

The uptick in his rage and and fake vandalism would make sense with how his case is going. Around now he's beginning to be told what he doesn't want to hear, and it's that most of what he wants to be presented at trial is irrelevant, heresay, prejudicial, and won't be admitted as evidence. He has a completely retarded understanding of law and he proved that with his hilariously embarrassing pro se motion.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
The uptick in his rage and and fake vandalism would make sense with how his case is going. Around now he's beginning to be told what he doesn't want to hear, and it's that most of what he wants to be presented at trial is irrelevant, heresay, prejudicial, and won't be admitted as evidence. He has a completely retarded understanding of law and he proved that with his hilariously embarrassing pro se motion.
Im sure he becomes difficult with his own hired legal counsel. I wonder how many times he has yelled at them when they asked for actual proof of his accusations and he just expects them take his word for it.