Pat oinking heavy on threads (actual tough guy appearance!)


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
Christopher Bair is a pedophile who writes about Japanese schoolgirls. Amazing how they just flock to Rick.



Fat bitch with faggot tits
Piggy was crying about his grill for attention on twitter and threads
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I wonder how long until Paul claims attacks from Craigslist
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What a couple of assholes these guys are to Linda. DONT YOU KNOW WHY THIS HAPPENING TO A COMPLETE NOBODY?!?!
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Funny, Pat had this to say about Police on another post View attachment 203797
Cops all suck at the law? This will be part of his dumb lawsuit that I can’t wait to blow up in his fat face. He really thinks he knows the law better than law enforcement and will educating police with his lawsuit.
Also this was interesting
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Tough guy Pat! But also cries about felony memes
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You heard it straight from the pigs mouth: if a stlaker threw a milkshake at Patrick it's not assault and if he tries to press charges then he's a sissy bitch.
Nice homophobia Pat, you big fat fuckin ally.


It’s nice to see he’s miserable on his second better platform
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This really sums up how miserable Pat is - his life is complete shit and he has zero power so he does this like it means something instead he just looks like a sissy bitch according to his own words.
He insults people online and then has the gall to complain when a group of a few hundred people make fun of him and ruin his life for 6 years. Unbelievable.
Piggy is a sperg. If he was ever hit with a milkshake he'd have an epic meltdown of pontificating proportions. He'd be seeing red after cleaning the chocolate out of his eyes and eating it because he's fat.
A milkshake thrown at him would be so bad it'd probably be his new leadoff in the list of alleged crimes. Possibly after "swattings" and "death threats" but definitely supplanting "impersonating household items" and "using wiccan magic to curse me".


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
So Pat isnt going to press charges if someone throws a milkshake on him? Seems like he’s trying to give those kiwifarms kids ideas…
He'd do it to himself but he'd have to buy 20 because he'd keep drinking them.

Edit. No he'd tip a tiny amount on a shirt and claim someone threw it at him while chugging the evidence.