Pat oinking heavy on threads (actual tough guy appearance!)


Stand Alone Fruit
Piggy was crying about his grill for attention on twitter and threads

I wonder how long until Paul claims attacks from Craigslist

What a couple of assholes these guys are to Linda. DONT YOU KNOW WHY THIS HAPPENING TO A COMPLETE NOBODY?!?!

Funny, Pat had this to say about Police on another post

Cops all suck at the law? This will be part of his dumb lawsuit that I can’t wait to blow up in his fat face. He really thinks he knows the law better than law enforcement and will educating police with his lawsuit.
Also this was interesting

Tough guy Pat! But also cries about felony memes
It’s always deeply funny when Pat screams about other people being pussies. This is a man who was in tears because he fell for a prank and shit himself when he was in the presence of little Dan. His dumb arguing with people online using his real name and location is going to end up with someone who actually will go after him and give him the victimhood he is desperately trying to manufacture.


Stand Alone Fruit
It’s always deeply funny when Pat screams about other people being pussies. This is a man who was in tears because he fell for a prank and shit himself when he was in the presence of little Dan. His dumb arguing with people online using his real name and location is going to end up with someone who actually will go after him and give him the victimhood he is desperately trying to manufacture.
He calls someone a pussy yet went to the police over people calling him a fat idiot on the internet. Pat is the world’s biggest pussy.


Stand Alone Fruit
The guy who is suing the police for knocking on his door is mad at a guy who got hit by a milkshake is pressing assault charges.

Never change, Pat.
Funny also how Pat claims to get in all kinds of bar fights yet has ZERO record of assault. Claims police knew he did not assault any of the people in his long history of violent bar fights.


Stand Alone Fruit
Someone going to an event with a plan to hit Farage with a milkshake isn’t assault. BDA going to Hoolies buying some drinks and tipping generously is terrorism.
So Farage shouldn’t seek a restraining order against this woman. That would be a pussy move would it Pat?
I can’t wait for people like Boomia to use this milkshake comment against him to show Pat is a big fat hypocrite. I’m guessing he was drunk when he posted that because he forgot he’s supposed to be a helpless innocent victim that is getting attacked for no reason.