Pat got his advice about warning the police you will be swatted from ooga booga oluo


Calling all simps

swatting call

i'm sorry but any person who cooperates with police deserves everything that comes to them.


Calling all simps
never forget she owns the phrase "so you want to talk about"

Oluo had said that Natale’s decision to name her Instagram account @soyouwanttotalkabout was “duplicitous and shady”, describing her as a “white woman that is capitalizing off of the work of other people of color and other marginalized populations”.




Calling all simps
Ooga booga is more racist than most of the racist people I know. They may say off the wall shit about blacks, but they don't blame black people if they don't succeed at something and they don't go around attacking anything that's known as black culture
That's where you're wrong, sweetie. They absolutely blame blacks for their lack of success

Imagine thinking anyone on earth has it better than Oprah winfrey.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
That's where you're wrong, sweetie. They absolutely blame blacks for their lack of success

Imagine thinking anyone on earth has it better than Oprah winfrey.

So, she’s just explaining a basic understanding of life. Something you learn as a child. Some kids have some stuff, others have none. Looks like she has some pretty nice privilege in that house. Half black half white people might be the ones I hate the most.


Stand Alone Fruit
Nothing worse than these “anti-racist” grifters that make a nice living telling everyone that white people are evil and black people cant be successful all while taking in lots of money they keep for themselves. Shaun King is a great example of this, he pretends to care if he can make money. Remember how much money big companies were guilted into giving to BLM? All that money went right into their pockets and the heads of BLM bought expensive homes nowhere near black people.


Wait, didn’t Pat make up some story that the police talk to HIM first if there’s any situation before sending officers over? I remember he was very big on that after his “swat” lie from before us but that doesn’t line up to his “cops at my door with guns” from Craigslist so I guess he dropped that old claim
Yes, he definitely did. He used the same exact phrasing as Ms. Oooga Booga. Hmmmm


Founder, Order of the Nine Angels
That's where you're wrong, sweetie. They absolutely blame blacks for their lack of success

Imagine thinking anyone on earth has it better than Oprah winfrey.

If Patrick was the only White male you knew, I could forgive you for thinking all Whites are mediocre.

If we're so mediocre, how come you need our welfare money? Let's cut off all welfare and see how blacks compare.