Pants-shitting retard status: confirmed

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
Same. I just looked it up and the description immediately made me say “no”, but this dude is vouching for it
I can’t put into words how much I would have hated this book just for existing if I hadn’t read it. It’s dark and darker in terms of subject manner, but it did get my ribs a fair amount too. Gallows humor.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
I want him to read the complete manual of suicide 4 times.
I want him to skim it once and then act on it like the arrogant shithead he is. He wouldn’t kill himself properly, just maim himself severely enough to be in constant pain and (even more) misery for the rest of his life. It would be a real gut buster.
You read once for story, the second time for themes, the third to to pick up on subtleties like intertexuality and leitmotiffs, and the fourth if the book has passed the first 3 tests, and you like it enough to want to figure out how it can improve your own writing.

It pisses me off that this retard is published.
for me the 27th read is so much better than the 26th


Trouble In Tomlinson Town
I read three hours a night because video games are boring to me now, so I'm going to guess I read more in a week than Pat does all year. How often do you guys reread a book? Every time I start rereading a book I try to speed through it because I remember everything and I annoy the shit out of myself.