Official "Embarrassing PM's sent to Dan" thread.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Not really i play along. I now have some poor shitskin in England CF telling me I'm poor and my kids are my siblings lol. The insanity is comical around here. It really does take away from Pat posting though.
To me, nothing takes away from anything. Danposting does not affect Patposting. I'm allowed to shit on more than one person... AND I WILL!!! :mel_md:


To me, nothing takes away from anything. Danposting does not affect Patposting. I'm allowed to shit on more than one person... AND I WILL!!! :mel_md:
Pat benefits when we in-fight and the podcast riles Pat, it may be 20 of us listening, but when we focus on him it drives him mad. I'm all in on a podcast being just Pat and the Cumias, plus supplemental content from the infighting. Pat is a gold mine and we could get more main street people to follow him by doing a podcast styled think weekly than all of our postings. Almost like a week in review thing. There are some really funny people and talented artists who draw and do songs that are just unbelievably good. I laugh harder here than anywhere else that's left. It may be the uncensored nature.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Pat benefits when we in-fight and the podcast riles Pat, it may be 20 of us listening, but when we focus on him it drives him mad. I'm all in on a podcast being just Pat and the Cumias, plus supplemental content from the infighting. Pat is a gold mine and we could get more main street people to follow him by doing a podcast styled think weekly than all of our postings. Almost like a week in review thing. There are some really funny people and talented artists who draw and do songs that are just unbelievably good. I laugh harder here than anywhere else that's left. It may be the uncensored nature.
The fuck you doing up at 3 in the morning? That’s early, even for an old man boomia. Sleep apnea mask not working?

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Pat benefits when we in-fight and the podcast riles Pat, it may be 20 of us listening, but when we focus on him it drives him mad. I'm all in on a podcast being just Pat and the Cumias, plus supplemental content from the infighting. Pat is a gold mine and we could get more main street people to follow him by doing a podcast styled think weekly than all of our postings. Almost like a week in review thing. There are some really funny people and talented artists who draw and do songs that are just unbelievably good. I laugh harder here than anywhere else that's left. It may be the uncensored nature.
I disagree on Pat benefiting from infighting. A fool who thinks he's winning is still a fool. Either way, there's always peaks and valleys to Rick's torment, because he still goes on holidays and watches capeshit from under his fart blanket.

I agree on the forums point. This place is a madhouse, and order out of chaos is how it should be run. Anything derivative of the forum is a bonus and is good (in theory anyway, DAN), but the forms are the core of what we are and what we do.

The Alliance. The Alliance. The Alliance.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
It's 4am in Ontario, child.
For some reason I always thought he was central canada. Shows how much I pay attention to peoples doxxes.

To your point also @covidcumia, it doesn’t really “help” Rick. It’s just less time he’s getting a beating. To put it in terms you understand, it’s like beating a guy half to death, instead of just killing him. You can keep beating the shit out of him later. Also, it’s not like Rick is our sole reason for being here. For all we know some faggot could hop in and completely take over. Rick just doesn’t learn or quit. He manages to be dumber and more annoying than Joe Cumia.


It's 4am in Ontario, child.
It is and I have to be up at 8 to be at a car show for my kid at 10, just around here so not much, but I'm enjoying the quiet of me and my drink. I did get up and brush my teeth like an hour and half ago and then went let me check the baseball scores, and came back here lol.
For some reason I always thought he was central canada. Shows how much I pay attention to peoples doxxes.

To your point also @covidcumia, it doesn’t really “help” Rick. It’s just less time he’s getting a beating. To put it in terms you understand, it’s like beating a guy half to death, instead of just killing him. You can keep beating the shit out of him later. Also, it’s not like Rick is our sole reason for being here. For all we know some faggot could hop in and completely take over. Rick just doesn’t learn or quit. He manages to be dumber and more annoying than Joe Cumia.
I mention Michigan pretty frequently and I'm always there, so that would have been another clue, but I'm like that too, I don't care who is where for the most part. Nobody will ever surpass Rick, I'm sure of that lol. He's a special kind of animal.

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
Not really i play along. I now have some poor shitskin in England CF telling me I'm poor and my kids are my siblings lol. The insanity is comical around here. It really does take away from Pat posting though.
It is kind of a shame every minute you spend writing essays against the faggots here is a minute you could use driving Pat closer and closer to a coronary artery embolism


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Pat benefits when we in-fight and the podcast riles Pat, it may be 20 of us listening, but when we focus on him it drives him mad. I'm all in on a podcast being just Pat and the Cumias, plus supplemental content from the infighting. Pat is a gold mine and we could get more main street people to follow him by doing a podcast styled think weekly than all of our postings. Almost like a week in review thing. There are some really funny people and talented artists who draw and do songs that are just unbelievably good. I laugh harder here than anywhere else that's left. It may be the uncensored nature.
When's the Boomia Power Hour(s) hitting the NPS network?