Of course Pat was a ritalin kid

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
wellbutrin is not an adhd med
It's also not something they generally give kids. I'm a little bit out of the loop on those kinds of drugs, but if memory serves that's something they prescribe if regular ssris are not working. It's often used for major depressive disorder or non responsive persistent depression. I may be wrong but I don't think major depressive disorder is diagnosed in kids.

But then again psychiatrists are some of the scummiest people on earth so who knows.


I think Ritalin destroyed at least some of my potential. I was on it for a bit in grade 4 and then I started snapping on anyone who pissed me off and beating kids up. Then again, it was also around that time that I started having my head banged around in sports. But giving kids drugs is bad. In grade 5 I kicked a big heavy door off one of the hinges and visibly scared the fuck out of the teacher, which taught me that when these cunts try to flex their authority on me, I can demonstrate how I could crack their skull and then they'd be too freaked out by me to actually discipline me. We had some young chick who would come for one period a day to teach us health or something. She was a cunt to everyone. I told her to fuck off for the first time one day and went to leave the classroom to go beat the shit out of a bathroom stall, which I did all the time. She tried to block the door and I told her if she didn't move I'd knock her out. She kept trying standing there staring me down so I punched the chalkboard right next to her head and she leaned her back against the door, slid down it so she was sitting on the floor and started bawling. I literally taunted her like "I guess you know what's up then, you fucking crybaby" and fucked off to the bathroom to lose my shit. I'd say I belonged in a retard class but I did have some particularly cunty teachers for grade 4 and 5 and then in grade 6, 7 and 8 I had really cool teachers that didn't try to act like they had control over everything I did and I got along with them great and got good grades. I'd still beat on other kids for fucking with me though but that rarely happened at that point because everyone knew I was a psycho.
Maybe that's why you kicked the living shit out of Herve Villechaize backstage at the 1978 Emmys? Granted, he was a mouthy little prick and Ricardo Montalban was egging you on.


The Backbone of America
Maybe that's why you kicked the living shit out of Herve Villechaize backstage at the 1978 Emmys? Granted, he was a mouthy little prick and Ricardo Montalban was egging you on.
Herve had cut my calf with a knife because he claimed I'd cheated at a game of Go Fish a week before that. He had it coming. He ruined my slacks. Ricardo pulled me off of him just as I was about to start beating his goofy little face in with a big crystal ashtray. Ricardo hated Herve too. He was an asshole. He overheard Herve and (faggot) Martin Landau talking one time on the set of Fantasy Island about how the Chrysler Cordoba is a shitbox and Corinthian leather is no different than regular leather. Ricardo never forgave either of them for that.

The Real Ray WiIson

Raymondo Munoz
Of course it was a black diamond specifically...fucking LIAR. Pat, I know you are always here. You are LYING. And your knees would buckle now from your big, fat body if you tried to ski. My cousins were on Ritalin and I can tell you it fucks up your brain long term. This is why Pat is so broken. I'm going to come to Hoolie's and take a shit on Pat's favorite stool.
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The Real Ray WiIson

Raymondo Munoz
I think Ritalin destroyed at least some of my potential. I was on it for a bit in grade 4 and then I started snapping on anyone who pissed me off and beating kids up. Then again, it was also around that time that I started having my head banged around in sports. But giving kids drugs is bad. In grade 5 I kicked a big heavy door off one of the hinges and visibly scared the fuck out of the teacher, which taught me that when these cunts try to flex their authority on me, I can demonstrate how I could crack their skull and then they'd be too freaked out by me to actually discipline me. We had some young chick who would come for one period a day to teach us health or something. She was a cunt to everyone. I told her to fuck off for the first time one day and went to leave the classroom to go beat the shit out of a bathroom stall, which I did all the time. She tried to block the door and I told her if she didn't move I'd knock her out. She kept trying standing there staring me down so I punched the chalkboard right next to her head and she leaned her back against the door, slid down it so she was sitting on the floor and started bawling. I literally taunted her like "I guess you know what's up then, you fucking crybaby" and fucked off to the bathroom to lose my shit. I'd say I belonged in a retard class but I did have some particularly cunty teachers for grade 4 and 5 and then in grade 6, 7 and 8 I had really cool teachers that didn't try to act like they had control over everything I did and I got along with them great and got good grades. I'd still beat on other kids for fucking with me though but that rarely happened at that point because everyone knew I was a psycho.


It's also not something they generally give kids. I'm a little bit out of the loop on those kinds of drugs, but if memory serves that's something they prescribe if regular ssris are not working. It's often used for major depressive disorder or non responsive persistent depression. I may be wrong but I don't think major depressive disorder is diagnosed in kids.

But then again psychiatrists are some of the scummiest people on earth so who knows.
They can start you on Wellbutrin, it doesn't have to be a fallback in case other stuff doesn't work. But yes, it's primarily for depression and not ADHD like Pat is fatly claiming.

It's also completely different in how it works. I've never taken Ritalin so I don't know but Pat is claiming that it's pretty much instant and you're off and speeding as soon as you take it, even if you've never taken it before. Pat claiming that he switched to Wellbutrin merely because it "lasts longer" makes no sense because you need to take it for a while. You can't just pop a pill and feel any different like you can with Ritalin. You need to take it for weeks or even months before you really start to feel it.

He's a fat liar with absolutely no idea what he's talking about but he's probably blocked anyone on Twitter who calls him out so his followers probably think he's speaking the truth. Not so.


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick


I think Ritalin destroyed at least some of my potential. I was on it for a bit in grade 4 and then I started snapping on anyone who pissed me off and beating kids up. Then again, it was also around that time that I started having my head banged around in sports. But giving kids drugs is bad. In grade 5 I kicked a big heavy door off one of the hinges and visibly scared the fuck out of the teacher, which taught me that when these cunts try to flex their authority on me, I can demonstrate how I could crack their skull and then they'd be too freaked out by me to actually discipline me. We had some young chick who would come for one period a day to teach us health or something. She was a cunt to everyone. I told her to fuck off for the first time one day and went to leave the classroom to go beat the shit out of a bathroom stall, which I did all the time. She tried to block the door and I told her if she didn't move I'd knock her out. She kept trying standing there staring me down so I punched the chalkboard right next to her head and she leaned her back against the door, slid down it so she was sitting on the floor and started bawling. I literally taunted her like "I guess you know what's up then, you fucking crybaby" and fucked off to the bathroom to lose my shit. I'd say I belonged in a retard class but I did have some particularly cunty teachers for grade 4 and 5 and then in grade 6, 7 and 8 I had really cool teachers that didn't try to act like they had control over everything I did and I got along with them great and got good grades. I'd still beat on other kids for fucking with me though but that rarely happened at that point because everyone knew I was a psycho.
Didn't you once mention a violent, domineering father?
Maybe more nature and nurture than juvenile head trauma and pharmaceuticals?