Of course Pat was a ritalin kid


The Backbone of America
I think Ritalin destroyed at least some of my potential. I was on it for a bit in grade 4 and then I started snapping on anyone who pissed me off and beating kids up. Then again, it was also around that time that I started having my head banged around in sports. But giving kids drugs is bad. In grade 5 I kicked a big heavy door off one of the hinges and visibly scared the fuck out of the teacher, which taught me that when these cunts try to flex their authority on me, I can demonstrate how I could crack their skull and then they'd be too freaked out by me to actually discipline me. We had some young chick who would come for one period a day to teach us health or something. She was a cunt to everyone. I told her to fuck off for the first time one day and went to leave the classroom to go beat the shit out of a bathroom stall, which I did all the time. She tried to block the door and I told her if she didn't move I'd knock her out. She kept trying standing there staring me down so I punched the chalkboard right next to her head and she leaned her back against the door, slid down it so she was sitting on the floor and started bawling. I literally taunted her like "I guess you know what's up then, you fucking crybaby" and fucked off to the bathroom to lose my shit. I'd say I belonged in a retard class but I did have some particularly cunty teachers for grade 4 and 5 and then in grade 6, 7 and 8 I had really cool teachers that didn't try to act like they had control over everything I did and I got along with them great and got good grades. I'd still beat on other kids for fucking with me though but that rarely happened at that point because everyone knew I was a psycho.

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
They're definitely Not the same drug.

For a know it all patrick's a bit of a...moron.


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Portly Pepperoni Purveyor
Holy shit he’s an idiot.

Racemic Methylphenidate vs a 75% d-amp 25% l-amp mix.

Totally different effects profile too and that’s without even getting into the various time release formulations
Rick was put through a range of drugs to try and fit him in with normal people/stop him being a sped.
Mama Raven expert psychologist school counsellor probably insisted it was a medical issue and not the fact that he is a petulant halfwit.


I think Ritalin destroyed at least some of my potential. I was on it for a bit in grade 4 and then I started snapping on anyone who pissed me off and beating kids up. Then again, it was also around that time that I started having my head banged around in sports. But giving kids drugs is bad. In grade 5 I kicked a big heavy door off one of the hinges and visibly scared the fuck out of the teacher, which taught me that when these cunts try to flex their authority on me, I can demonstrate how I could crack their skull and then they'd be too freaked out by me to actually discipline me. We had some young chick who would come for one period a day to teach us health or something. She was a cunt to everyone. I told her to fuck off for the first time one day and went to leave the classroom to go beat the shit out of a bathroom stall, which I did all the time. She tried to block the door and I told her if she didn't move I'd knock her out. She kept trying standing there staring me down so I punched the chalkboard right next to her head and she leaned her back against the door, slid down it so she was sitting on the floor and started bawling. I literally taunted her like "I guess you know what's up then, you fucking crybaby" and fucked off to the bathroom to lose my shit. I'd say I belonged in a retard class but I did have some particularly cunty teachers for grade 4 and 5 and then in grade 6, 7 and 8 I had really cool teachers that didn't try to act like they had control over everything I did and I got along with them great and got good grades. I'd still beat on other kids for fucking with me though but that rarely happened at that point because everyone knew I was a psycho.


If you actually have ADHD (he was definitely not hyper active- the opposite)- Ritalin doesn't get you high. It's the opposite. It allows you to focus and to multi-task without turning into a fucking retard. And let's say he actually had ADHD, like the defiant fucking moron he is, he couldn't just take his meds as prescribed. Nope. He has to be a fucking rebel without clue and do it in his own way, because Patrick knows best. And that's why he was a fucking 1.78 retard.

What is Patrick ever right about?

As an aside, kids were definitely on Ritalin by the beginning of the 90's. However, having any kind of perceived mental illness wasn't a badge of honor. People generally didn't talk about it- especially in public.

There were plenty of fat kids. Definitely not as many as today, but on the flipside, there's a lot of really fucking skinny guys and a lot of them look feminine as fuck. Even if they don't have long hair, there are a lot of dudes that look like chicks. Also, high school girls actually work out and watch what they eat, without necessarily being an athlete. It was pretty rare for HS girls that didn't play sports to work out when I was in HS- early to mid 90's.

Autism existed, but not to this insane degree. However, retarded woman are having their first child in their mid to late 30's and some are doing it in their 40's- which is asking for your kid to have developmental issues.