O&A bits from the sub/forums that flew over your head when you joined


Still spreading the O&A virus
If you're here from reddit, that would mean you don't even fully understand Anthony 's downfall. It didn't start during the fights, it really started during Lobster Girl.
That was one of the big things for sure. But the self cutting girl stuff. Anthony gambling away money and trashing anyone who questioned his gambling addiction. His obsession with young girls and trying to go their proms. The obsession over race and crime (which looking back is even more hilarious because Anthony was arrested for domestic violence had to go to rehab). His weird relationship with Danny. And a few other small things already had the pests taking notes on Anthony. Waiting for the day where everyone would turn the daggers onto O&A.

Opie called it very early in the show. That one day the pests would turn on all of them. And all of the bad things in the past would haunt them. That they created an army of demented maniacs who would harass them Jocktober style for life. For Opie it was mostly him just being a loser dork. Like Opie said he grew up poor which was a lie. Said he was an athlete but likely was the last picked kid in gym class. Said he was a model. And people ripped on Opie for 'ruining the show' and killing the vibe of every show through some bizarre Anthony worshiping rewriting of history which has obviously run its course because no one listens to Anthony anymore (nor Opie nor Jim either).

But the things that the pests uncovered about Anthony and Jim were pathologically disturbing. Like serial killer stuff. Sue Lighting and Princess Alan or whatever that viking's name is. Anthony's real downfall was the hypocrisy. Pretty much everything that the pests call him out for now.....are things he railed against other people for, for years or decades even.


The ONLY station that REALLY ROCKS!
People always hated Joe, even during the height of the show.

Man, i can't believe I've been talking to you guys for 8 years.
He would always call right in the middle of a segment just to plug his shitty gigs and offer nothing of substance whatsoever.
It was a glorious time. You had Opie "Tits" Hughes, Simian Sam Roberts, Artie No-Nose, Joe "Moo" Cumia, Jimmy The Pervert, and Tony Two-Shirts. We called him that because he always wore two shirts. Anything they did was fodder for a Reddit post. Book signings. Song parodies and Photoshop jobs. I'd have twenty, thirty thousand karma points and then I'd either blow the account in a week by saying "nigger" too much or go to the alt account to goof on Joe.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
That was one of the big things for sure. But the self cutting girl stuff. Anthony gambling away money and trashing anyone who questioned his gambling addiction. His obsession with young girls and trying to go their proms. The obsession over race and crime (which looking back is even more hilarious because Anthony was arrested for domestic violence had to go to rehab). His weird relationship with Danny. And a few other small things already had the pests taking notes on Anthony. Waiting for the day where everyone would turn the daggers onto O&A.

Opie called it very early in the show. That one day the pests would turn on all of them. And all of the bad things in the past would haunt them. That they created an army of demented maniacs who would harass them Jocktober style for life. For Opie it was mostly him just being a loser dork. Like Opie said he grew up poor which was a lie. Said he was an athlete but likely was the last picked kid in gym class. Said he was a model. And people ripped on Opie for 'ruining the show' and killing the vibe of every show through some bizarre Anthony worshiping rewriting of history which has obviously run its course because no one listens to Anthony anymore (nor Opie nor Jim either).

But the things that the pests uncovered about Anthony and Jim were pathologically disturbing. Like serial killer stuff. Sue Lighting and Princess Alan or whatever that viking's name is. Anthony's real downfall was the hypocrisy. Pretty much everything that the pests call him out for now.....are things he railed against other people for, for years or decades even.
I remember his bombing at the Pig Jay Oinkinson roast and refusing to admit it turned a lot of people as well.