O&A bits from the sub/forums that flew over your head when you joined


5foot9 and an attitude
All this talk over who knows what bit from the show got me thinking of the early times I spent on Reddit wondering why everyone was thanking each other for their service.

I thought I'd pretty much covered O&A by that point but I'd never listened to the Jesse Ventura shows. Nobody i knew listened to it. I don't think i even had a conversation about the show before you guys so I didn't have any frame of reference beyond names on a screen who would likely troll me for asking. There were a few minor things I discovered after being on the sub (eg. why don't you come here and shut up?) but TYFYS was probably the one i saw the most.

You wanna post yours or you gonna leave me here with my federal dick out?


I stopped listening to the show everyday by the time Lasagna Hat leap year was a thing and I still don't know what show it was a bit from.


I basically had no idea about Feed Nana or Sue Lightning until the forum before this. Now I feel mostly caught up on the lore that happened since O&A broke up.
I got on the sub around 2011 so I was there when everyone would whine about Opie and suck Nana's brine shrimp cock and I would call him the pedo that he is. The whole vibrating egg video, the Anthony and Dani show, to his arrest were the peak of the sub.


I got on the sub around 2011 so I was there when everyone would whine about Opie and suck Nana's brine shrimp cock and I would call him the pedo that he is. The whole vibrating egg video, the Anthony and Dani show, to his arrest were the peak of the sub.
His arrest was unreal I remember it happening around Christmas. Even before Pat so much shit happened. Kuhn, People's Court, Anthony fired, Opie fired, Jim posting that we could call in about the Amy Schumer stealing jokes thing, Roe Cumia dying and the sub going wild on the obituary, Anthony trying to shut down the sub. Fawkin miss that place.


His arrest was unreal I remember it happening around Christmas. Even before Pat so much shit happened. Kuhn, People's Court, Anthony fired, Opie fired, Jim posting that we could call in about the Amy Schumer stealing jokes thing, Roe Cumia dying and the sub going wild on the obituary, Anthony trying to shut down the sub. Fawkin miss that place.
Even for her, I couldn't believe how fucking bad she looked in her mugshot, and it's beautiful compared to the Chernobyl bullfrog she turned into.



Shock Jock
I found the sub in early 2016, right after the big Opie-Jim fight (we’re not that close), I got sucked into it and was in disbelief that the shit happening was even real. It was like nothing Id ever seen before and I’ve been lingering longer ever since


His arrest was unreal I remember it happening around Christmas. Even before Pat so much shit happened. Kuhn, People's Court, Anthony fired, Opie fired, Jim posting that we could call in about the Amy Schumer stealing jokes thing, Roe Cumia dying and the sub going wild on the obituary, Anthony trying to shut down the sub. Fawkin miss that place.
I’m not only one gay for times past (sniff) We Waz Kangz