Null is a dweeb-voiced mumbling cum eater


maybe kiss you
It still wouldn't have worked. It would've fallen flat since (I think) one of the legal standards of libel/defamation is it has to come from a somewhat credible source. The idea of Fartpoop22 from OnAForums or 1997 Toyota Tacoma from KF being seen as a credible source are as funny as your drawings.
I can't imagine how any professional in the court system would handle "I believe it's my constitutional right to be unmolested due to my drawing of patrick tomlinson drinking pee and eating poops"

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
Point is that Null is on the hook for lawyers’ fees and his own time and aggravation over dumb shit. Unless a specific user has an explicit arrangement with the site owner that the user will personally cover any costs of ramifications, it’s a faggot-ass thing to do. There’s more than enough confirmed dirt on Pat to make him miserable without ruining everyone’s good time.
Point is that Null is on the hook for lawyers’ fees and his own time and aggravation over dumb shit. Unless a specific user has an explicit arrangement with the site owner that the user will personally cover any costs of ramifications, it’s a faggot-ass thing to do. There’s more than enough confirmed dirt on Pat to make him miserable without ruining everyone’s good time.
Farmers are such pearl clutching faggots. Null is a lolcow in his own right and that's why he gets upset. He has more in common with Fatrick than most people realise, including the fact that he's a fat cunt.


what da?
I don't know anything about Null except his name seems to be some kind of edgy 1337 gayness.