Niki has an illness, maybe cancer or something.


Don't take any guff from these swine

Bryce Nyehnyenn!


She might be motivated to lose weight if she was planning to leave Fatty. New divorced women in their 40s can be really good at squeezing out what is left of their hotness. Even Nikki can be a 2 out of 10 if she puts her mind to it!

I truly hope she can escape Pat's clutches and find a nice woman to settle down with. No bs. I see her as one of Pat's victims.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
She caught the NIGGER AIDS.

But all kidding aside, it wouldn't surprise me if Fat is poisoning her. Munchausen by proxy or whatever the fuck you call it.
I'm waiting for the claim on Twitter that a stlaker broke into his house, got his gun, shot it into the ceiling repeatedly, and then left it for forensics to dust. He'll provide the 640x480 thumbnail from his poverty level security cam to prove it.


She's a willing accomplice. She flipped that kid off with him, went on the news spouting gibberish and allows him to post whatever he wants about her online. Fuck Niki.

Ok. i'm not that deeply familiar with the Saga as some of you, but Pat seems like a really controlling person. I was under the assumption there may have been some coercion involved. But who knows, maybe she's just as big a cunt as Fatrick is.