Nigger Nonsense

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
I have only known one cool nigger in my life. He was my cousin’s friend and he believed & advocated to others that all street niggers were pieces of shit who should be killed off. He let anyone say “Nigger” to him because it had zero impact to his emotional state. Solid dude who nigs called an Oreo. He was an honorary white person in my book.


As a New Yorker I plan to make my way to the south in the upcoming years. It’s not even niggers that are my main motivation. As far as blacks go the ones in new York at least speak English. It’s the fuckijg salvadorians. You never seen a more worthless group of disgusting drunk violent people until you’ve met a large group of them. so many of my friends or rather people I grew up with were murdered in horrific ways by these fucking Aztec descendant savage animals. If I had it my way. They’d take all of the salvadorians hundorians some Peruvians and have them flown to Africa.

Where I grew up, keep in mind this was 2006-2012, they were literally cutting peoples heads off in the streets. Dismembering young girls with machetes beating them to death with bats. People think niggers are the scourge. They can’t hold a crack lighter to these fucking subhuman natives
I watched this colorized footage of driving through Central Park in the 40s and noticed how much more clean and beautiful the city was and how nice everyone was dressed and there were zero negroes. Totally unrelated, I'm sure. I've never seen the park looking so nice.



(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Lol can you imagine if this thing got up in some black dude’s face?

Also: y’all wonder why black people be actin up! No, I don’t wonder. It’s your culture and I truly think it’s something bred into you. You can’t help but act out, scream and yell, and get violent. Expecting you to do otherwise would be white supremacy!
Just petty thefts. This equipment manager nigger stole my discman at hs football camp. That I cut grass to buy. Never got it back.
They're honestly just loutish and annoying to me, but I'm the size of an NFL defensive end.

They scare my wife and just degrade our quality of life. Whatever you want to do has to be early to avoid the niggers hooting and hollering in the stores.

They just don't know how to act and since the kikes have them all hyped up on racial justice, there's no suppression of their ape behavior.

White flight has failed, its time to build White compounds.
Had a feeling you were a big dude. I'm 5'10 but I'm pretty wide and strong. I beat up a 6'2 285 pound jig last year though. Left his mouth all fucked up and bloody he just quit sat down and told me next time he'd fuck me up. He could barely breathe lol that's what constant weed and Newport smoke does to you
I watched this colorized footage of driving through Central Park in the 40s and noticed how much more clean and beautiful the city was and how nice everyone was dressed and there were zero negroes. Totally unrelated, I'm sure. I've never seen the park looking so nice.

Mew you ever been to longisland ? I really need to express my hatred of Salvadorians and hundorans to someone who understands


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Had a feeling you were a big dude. I'm 5'10 but I'm pretty wide and strong. I beat up a 6'2 285 pound jig last year though. Left his mouth all fucked up and bloody he just quit sat down and told me next time he'd fuck me up. He could barely breathe lol that's what constant weed and Newport smoke does to you
The young ones are kinda strong, over 40 they got nothing but the high blood and the diabetes. Their diet is literally garbage and they do nothing to maintain their health.
Idk if there's anyone else from longisland here but when I first found ona I was so confused by the Anthony ball washing. I'm from basically where ants from. That town and all the surrounding ones. Fuck most of LI for that matter is filled with dudes who are just like him. Talk non impressions of people much more talented than themselves. can bullshit really well. Drink all the time and hide their sexual deviancy poorly. Especially the men in their late 40s to mid 60s. Opie on the other hand has a completely made up persona. All the white women look like Anthony's ex. Nick mullen said no one from longisland should ever have a camera pointed at them. He's right.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Idk if there's anyone else from longisland here but when I first found ona I was so confused by the Anthony ball washing. I'm from basically where ants from. That town and all the surrounding ones. Fuck most of LI for that matter is filled with dudes who are just like him. Talk non impressions of people much more talented than themselves. can bullshit really well. Drink all the time and hide their sexual deviancy poorly. Especially the men in their late 40s to mid 60s. Opie on the other hand has a completely made up persona. All the white women look like Anthony's ex. Nick mullen said no one from longisland should ever have a camera pointed at them. He's right.
Sounds like there’s only one Joseph “Brother Joe” Cumia though. I’d imagine he’s quite a rare breed.
Sounds like there’s only one Joseph “Brother Joe” Cumia though. I’d imagine he’s quite a rare breed.
Nope not even close honestly lol I used to dabble in music so I met a lot of longisland "musicians" my first teacher was a tall fat guy who would tell me about all the girls he would fuck. He kept a binder. Once he had a girl suck him off while I was practicing guitar he said you want in on this? But like I said all the women look like a variation of ants ex wife. Guy used to take a handful of oxycodone 30s before lessons and talk to me about hookers.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Sounds like there’s only one Joseph “Brother Joe” Cumia though. I’d imagine he’s quite a rare breed.
There’s only one man capable of stealing ivory, then lying to people and charging more for a “custom” gun grip. To then just do the same grip every time. Only one person is capable of beating a lie detector test after being accused of said ivory theft. That man? Jooooooseph Cumia!!!!


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
David Koresh and his followers literally got burned alive for starting their own compound.

This makes me so angry. If there's a God, and I believe there is, Janet Reno is burning in Hell.

These do miss a point -- negotiators at the FBI (I believe) asked the BDs to make a video about themselves that could tell their side of the story that would air on primetime TV. The thinking was that if they could talk and be heard, they'd come out and surrender and more violence could be avoided.

The BDs made that video, and the government wouldn't share it with the networks because they thought it made the BDs look very sympathetic. People would feel bad for what they were going through.

Also, you know that argument that grand conspiracies cannot be real: too many people know things and will talk. Add these images to the counter-arguments. People don't always talk, apparently.


Get up here and shut up!
Nope not even close honestly lol I used to dabble in music so I met a lot of longisland "musicians" my first teacher was a tall fat guy who would tell me about all the girls he would fuck. He kept a binder. Once he had a girl suck him off while I was practicing guitar he said you want in on this? But like I said all the women look like a variation of ants ex wife. Guy used to take a handful of oxycodone 30s before lessons and talk to me about hookers.
Your teacher was Joey Diaz?


Mew you ever been to longisland ? I really need to express my hatred of Salvadorians and hundorans to someone who understands
No, never really had occasion to. I knew tons of people from LI but I saw no reason to take the train out there (didn't have a car). The people I knew were whites from places like Massapequa. I worked with a Puerto Rican guy from Brentwood.

What I noticed about Central and South Americans is they just stare at you silently but never catcall. And they were tiny as fuck. It was the blecks, Dominicans, and Puerto Ricans who were 'expressive' like that.