Nigger Nonsense


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
I believe you. Most of the southern cities are overrun with nigras and Memphis may as well be Mozambique.

White enclaves in cities are a joke. Rural and acreage is the only relief, which is a complete nigger tax in itself. Whites literally have to buy enough land to keep marauding niggers away.
I envy people who aren’t racially aware. What’s the worst thing a nigger ever did to you or someone you know?

I know a nigger who beat and put a gun to his girlfriends pregnant stomach.

I know a change is gon come


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
I envy people who aren’t racially aware. What’s the worst thing a nigger ever did to you or someone you know?

I know a nigger who beat and put a gun to his girlfriends pregnant stomach.

I know a change is gon come
Just petty thefts. This equipment manager nigger stole my discman at hs football camp. That I cut grass to buy. Never got it back.
They're honestly just loutish and annoying to me, but I'm the size of an NFL defensive end.

They scare my wife and just degrade our quality of life. Whatever you want to do has to be early to avoid the niggers hooting and hollering in the stores.

They just don't know how to act and since the kikes have them all hyped up on racial justice, there's no suppression of their ape behavior.

White flight has failed, its time to build White compounds.

Petworth dude

Owner declined entry
As a New Yorker I plan to make my way to the south in the upcoming years. It’s not even niggers that are my main motivation. As far as blacks go the ones in new York at least speak English. It’s the fuckijg salvadorians. You never seen a more worthless group of disgusting drunk violent people until you’ve met a large group of them. so many of my friends or rather people I grew up with were murdered in horrific ways by these fucking Aztec descendant savage animals. If I had it my way. They’d take all of the salvadorians hundorians some Peruvians and have them flown to Africa.

Where I grew up, keep in mind this was 2006-2012, they were literally cutting peoples heads off in the streets. Dismembering young girls with machetes beating them to death with bats. People think niggers are the scourge. They can’t hold a crack lighter to these fucking subhuman natives
I live in the DC area, and they are worthless. A bunch of no-talent oompa-loopas. Lots of things piss me off about them, but the one thing that's on my mind right now is how they absolutely cannot handle their liquor. They're basically DUI magnets, and when they're not getting lit behind the wheel of their modded Toyota Camry, they're boozing out by some street corner with the occasional hit of crack. There's a Nissan Versa near me that's totally missing its front bumper (the plate is literally tied on) and I've totally seen the driver of the car sipping on a Corona while behind the wheel. Buncha turds.


Access to the Debates
I almost got into it with a hopped up black dude who was in my neighbourhood recently. He was standing in the middle of the road and spinning in circles and looking around all confused. My GF asks if he is lost, not noticing he is clearly high. He starts telling her to mind her business and begins working himself up. Blurts out something about white people telling black people to get out of neighbourhoods. I say something like chill out man get out of the road. He starts to approach and I said “this ain’t your show” and that he can catch Rich Vos at the Punchline in Philly Thursday through Saturday.


Outside of the centre of the city (the capital) I live in (where you see a couple of Africans dressed up in sailor costumes trying to sell boat sightseeing trips to tourists, or the occasional black tourist) there are no negroes here. Crime is also very low. Probably not connected.


Stopped to eat in the woods of PA and was shocked to have an absolutely peaceful dinner. Took a bit to realize there were no blacks in the jernt. It was great and that's how I want my life to be. If I never see another black, I've made the right choices.
Go somewhere where winter gets some snow; just a taste, and you won't see one ever again.

White enclaves in cities are a joke. Rural and acreage is the only relief, which is a complete nigger tax in itself. Whites literally have to buy enough land to keep marauding niggers away.
We live in a majority white city in a majority white state while we work on our acreage out of town. You see a black passing through town maybe once a month. But in the last week we've seen three black dudes (two of them were walking down the sidewalk yelling to themselves like schizos on separate occasions). The third one was riding a bike along the highway/strip mall with grocery bags hanging from the handle bars. They were so out of place and are probably imports (by bleeding heart churches no doubt).

Can't move to our acreage fast enough. The wildlife we saw yesterday were one black in the city while on our way to our property, five deer on our country road while we were heading back to the city at the end of the day.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Go somewhere where winter gets some snow; just a taste, and you won't see one ever again.

We live in a majority white city in a majority white state while we work on our acreage out of town. You see a black passing through town maybe once a month. But in the last week we've seen three black dudes (two of them were walking down the sidewalk yelling to themselves like schizos on separate occasions). The third one was riding a bike along the highway/strip mall with grocery bags hanging from the handle bars. They were so out of place and are probably imports (by bleeding heart churches no doubt).

Can't move to our acreage fast enough. The wildlife we saw yesterday were one black in the city while on our way to our property, five deer on our country road while we were heading back to the city at the end of the day.
We're just trying to figure out the where. VA, CO, NC, NY are liberal faggot states.

And waiting on a distress sale in the 500+ ac size that we can keep a 200ac buffer and slowly develop the rest.

25ac homesteads/horse farms are as good as racial covenants.


I live in the DC area, and they are worthless. A bunch of no-talent oompa-loopas. Lots of things piss me off about them, but the one thing that's on my mind right now is how they absolutely cannot handle their liquor. They're basically DUI magnets, and when they're not getting lit behind the wheel of their modded Toyota Camry, they're boozing out by some street corner with the occasional hit of crack. There's a Nissan Versa near me that's totally missing its front bumper (the plate is literally tied on) and I've totally seen the driver of the car sipping on a Corona while behind the wheel. Buncha turds.
You forgot to mention the dirt bike/ATV gang

Petworth dude

Owner declined entry
You forgot to mention the dirt bike/ATV gang
I was referring to the indigenous Central Americans in my initial post. I have yet to see them on dirt bikes/ATVs (they probably can't control those things with their tiny frames - how they drive cars amazes me). But yeah, dirt bikes and ATVs piss off a lot of people around here. There was a Washington Post article that quoted someone as saying the ATVs are a part of their culture, which is complete and utter BS.


I was referring to the indigenous Central Americans in my initial post. I have yet to see them on dirt bikes/ATVs (they probably can't control those things with their tiny frames - how they drive cars amazes me). But yeah, dirt bikes and ATVs piss off a lot of people around here. There was a Washington Post article that quoted someone as saying the ATVs are a part of their culture, which is complete and utter BS.
Was that from the same city council member who said the Rothschilds control the weather?


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
I was referring to the indigenous Central Americans in my initial post. I have yet to see them on dirt bikes/ATVs (they probably can't control those things with their tiny frames - how they drive cars amazes me). But yeah, dirt bikes and ATVs piss off a lot of people around here. There was a Washington Post article that quoted someone as saying the ATVs are a part of their culture, which is complete and utter BS.
BS?! Whoa!!! Let's not get carried away on this nigger thread.
I envy people who aren’t racially aware. What’s the worst thing a nigger ever did to you or someone you know?

I know a nigger who beat and put a gun to his girlfriends pregnant stomach.

I know a change is gon come
Nothing it going to change except the continued decline of white people and more immigration...

The White Race is now nothing more than a race of pussies and faggots, it makes me ashamed to be White... Enough guns, here in America, to arm the world, but there's zero balls to use them. Anyone who actually suggests they use them are called "Feds", which is just another excuse for their cowardice...
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