Nigger Nonsense

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
well, I joined the military in '06, and I lived in Flint Michigan before.

I know the worse type of nigger, are the nigger dykes. Those are the ones that have 0 skill, feelings, and they hate everyone TO THE MAX.

But yea, they don't listen, they are always mad, they get physical fast for no reason, they lie, steal. What makes it worse is this woke shit that makes it seem like they are a hero, they are human garbage. Most don't understand the most basic of concepts.

I had one come to me in a laundromat one time saying "YO WAT U SAY!!???" no one was fucking talking to him.

another time I was out for a run, and a nig was walking in front of me and I said, "can I get by you man" and he turns and says "fuck you bitch".

I had one pull out a whole RV in front of me and i had to slam on brakes, so I beeped the horned and yelled "what the fuck!" at the stop light he was out the window screaming at me.

I also witnessed a 70 year old man beep his horn at a car of blacks the driver got out pointing at him and screaming at the top of his lungs. the left turn lane turned green and the nig just sat there, thats why the 70 year old beeped the horn.


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
well, I joined the military in '06, and I lived in Flint Michigan before.

I know the worse type of nigger, are the nigger dykes. Those are the ones that have 0 skill, feelings, and they hate everyone TO THE MAX.

But yea, they don't listen, they are always mad, they get physical fast for no reason, they lie, steal. What makes it worse is this woke shit that makes it seem like they are a hero, they are human garbage. Most don't understand the most basic of concepts.

I had one come to me in a laundromat one time saying "YO WAT U SAY!!???" no one was fucking talking to him.

another time I was out for a run, and a nig was walking in front of me and I said, "can I get by you man" and he turns and says "fuck you bitch".

I had one pull out a whole RV in front of me and i had to slam on brakes, so I beeped the horned and yelled "what the fuck!" at the stop light he was out the window screaming at me.

I also witnessed a 70 year old man beep his horn at a car of blacks the driver got out pointing at him and screaming at the top of his lungs. the left turn lane turned green and the nig just sat there, thats why the 70 year old beeped the horn.
Ughhhh nigger dykes are the worst. I hate dykes to begin with but ghetto nigger dykes offer nothing to society at all. bitter angry cunts


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Okay so would you fuck the girl from game of thrones with the curly hair? The Batman cat woman bitch or prime Halle Berry?
Just in general I don't find them attractive. Most of their faces are indistinguishable from the men's and they're barrel chested and fat. Their pussies sicken me. That doesn't mean I don't find like a 0.00001% of them attractive because I do, but it's a huge rarity. It's case sensitive and typically they have to be part White. At work a few months back I saw this mixed black girl who I assume was an attorney or paralegal and she was the goods.
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Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
My entire life and its getting worse.

Town got taken over in the late 90's, all the whites moved out to the county. School system is niggered to death and keeps the yankee faggots away.

Now there are nigger gang shootings, stores are filled and staffed with shiftless niggers. Have to drive to the next affluent county for a decent grocery store or restaurant. Food deserts are caused by EBT niggers.

Gotta do some scouting and a lot of research, but WV looks like the place. Hoping the real estate bubble craters but it doesn't matter.

Its so jarring to leave the country for a few weeks and return to nigger hell as soon as the plane lands. ATL connection fucking airport looks like the MLK built the souf monument to niggerdom. Makes me sick walking through. And all the off the boat africans but at least they're not rude niggers yet.

Stopped to eat in the woods of PA and was shocked to have an absolutely peaceful dinner. Took a bit to realize there were no blacks in the jernt. It was great and that's how I want my life to be. If I never see another black, I've made the right choices.


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
My entire life and its getting worse.

Town got taken over in the late 90's, all the whites moved out to the county. School system is niggered to death and keeps the yankee faggots away.

Now there are nigger gang shootings, stores are filled and staffed with shiftless niggers. Have to drive to the next affluent county for a decent grocery store or restaurant. Food deserts are caused by EBT niggers.

Gotta do some scouting and a lot of research, but WV looks like the place. Hoping the real estate bubble craters but it doesn't matter.

Its so jarring to leave the country for a few weeks and return to nigger hell as soon as the plane lands. ATL connection fucking airport looks like the MLK built the souf monument to niggerdom. Makes me sick walking through. And all the off the boat africans but at least they're not rude niggers yet.

Stopped to eat in the woods of PA and was shocked to have an absolutely peaceful dinner. Took a bit to realize there were no blacks in the jernt. It was great and that's how I want my life to be. If I never see another black, I've made the right choices.
As a New Yorker I plan to make my way to the south in the upcoming years. It’s not even niggers that are my main motivation. As far as blacks go the ones in new York at least speak English. It’s the fuckijg salvadorians. You never seen a more worthless group of disgusting drunk violent people until you’ve met a large group of them. so many of my friends or rather people I grew up with were murdered in horrific ways by these fucking Aztec descendant savage animals. If I had it my way. They’d take all of the salvadorians hundorians some Peruvians and have them flown to Africa.

Where I grew up, keep in mind this was 2006-2012, they were literally cutting peoples heads off in the streets. Dismembering young girls with machetes beating them to death with bats. People think niggers are the scourge. They can’t hold a crack lighter to these fucking subhuman natives


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
As a New Yorker I plan to make my way to the south in the upcoming years. It’s not even niggers that are my main motivation. As far as blacks go the ones in new York at least speak English. It’s the fuckijg salvadorians. You never seen a more worthless group of disgusting drunk violent people until you’ve met a large group of them. so many of my friends or rather people I grew up with were murdered in horrific ways by these fucking Aztec descendant savage animals. If I had it my way. They’d take all of the salvadorians hundorians some Peruvians and have them flown to Africa.

Where I grew up, keep in mind this was 2006-2012, they were literally cutting peoples heads off in the streets. Dismembering young girls with machetes beating them to death with bats. People think niggers are the scourge. They can’t hold a crack lighter to these fucking subhuman natives
I believe you. Most of the southern cities are overrun with nigras and Memphis may as well be Mozambique.

White enclaves in cities are a joke. Rural and acreage is the only relief, which is a complete nigger tax in itself. Whites literally have to buy enough land to keep marauding niggers away.