Nice Stats Queer

Hudson Margera-Hughes

Heyyyy, HELLHOLE ADLsters...
impressions are useless. Clicks, engagement , replies are slightly less useless , but mostly garbage due to the amount of bots. You need to have a data analytics funnel set up to see how the increase in these engagement numbers correlates to your customer acquisition costs, retention rates and churn. Nana is on a subscription model, so other than his dick cream ad reads he's relying on ARR (annual recurring revenue) as his business KPIs. If he's pivoting to youtube or streaming then those impressions could have an impact on his revenue, but he'd still need to translate those into streaming views.

According to the twitter docs engagement rate is

which means its useless. This wet brained nana is now talking about shit i know vastly more than him about. Posting these stats is retarded it means nothing.

mr 5 sinker himself ( :2_sinks:) can explain the sales side of the funnel, but i've worked with the data before. Basically you integrate tracking pixels, cookies whatever, to track the CUJ "critical users journey" through various stages of what a potential customers can do. Here's a crude example for google analytics.

View attachment 191290

Then you can correlate what the stats "Professor Anthony" is showing to how they are interacting with your media or products. It gets a lot more complicated but that's a high level.

tl/dr - he's a retard and those numbers are meaningless without data enrichment
"numbers are meaningless without data enrichment"

How about some cultural enrichment?! F/Ns