New mm schill full body pics

Tagine Enthusiast

Gifted by Lynne!
Are those pictures pre or post-scurvy?


Stand Alone Fruit
Good lord she’s really gone to shit. She’s busting out of those jeans! That’s what happens when you lay around all day making up fake problems for yourself. Is she getting this fat to make people think she’s Asian? Like if she gets fatter her eyes will look Asian like how Rick is getting?

Her husband must be a real simp little bitch to work to support the both of them while she sits around getting fatter. Now the money problems make sense, she’s eating his paycheck.

Just think, she has nothing but free time and that’s what she’s done with herself, can’t even be bothered to exercise and eat right while her husband works to support them. He married the dud of all duds.


imagine this thing loafing around your house all day & having to take hours-long breaks between basic chores due to chronic FATigue or whatever made-up shit she has. what i’m saying is, i don’t hate her because she’s fat. she’s fat because i hate her
MM Schill might move slow, but it's only because MM Schill doesn't have to move for anybody.


I miss Norm
Isn't scurvy caused by a vitamin deficiency or something? Nice 19th century sailor affliction, stupid
It's from lack of vitamin c and takes months to develop. Men would get it 200 years ago because they would be out to sea for ages. The English started traveling with lemons and limes to specifically prevent it (where the term "limey" comes from). You have to be starved and dying or a literal retard to get it nowadays.


"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
I love fatties the way I love oxygen and narcotics but she's one of the most oddly proportioned ones I've ever seen. Those arms belong on a woman twice her size. Very dumpy. In the torso she probably looks like she used to be way fatter and lost weight and is all deflated now. Very dishonoraburr.


Stand Alone Fruit
I love fatties the way I love oxygen and narcotics but she's one of the most oddly proportioned ones I've ever seen. Those arms belong on a woman twice her size. Very dumpy. In the torso she probably looks like she used to be way fatter and lost weight and is all deflated now. Very dishonoraburr.
She had flabby old lady arms (some call them wings) in her 20s.


Stand Alone Fruit
It's from lack of vitamin c and takes months to develop. Men would get it 200 years ago because they would be out to sea for ages. The English started traveling with lemons and limes to specifically prevent it (where the term "limey" comes from). You have to be starved and dying or a literal retard to get it nowadays.
Yeah I only know one person who ever got it and it was the guy who worked at a movie theater and pretty much ate nothing but popcorn for months.