NBC: The FBI has placed Pat and Niki directly on the Pay No Mind list


I just want to know why he's so RED.
In all seriousness, the FBI is 100% looking into it. There's no way the same person gets swatted 40+ times and nobody looks at it. If Pat is behind it, they likely have financial records tying him to it and are either waiting for him to more brazenly false-flag himself, or are just moving at a snail's pace as the FBI often does (99% conviction rate tho).
dont get it wont Milwaukee PD stop showing up at patricks house after the 10th time?


Stand Alone Fruit
I just want to know why he's so RED.
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They had to turn the wall unit AC off for audio reasons. They picked the upstairs part of the house (most likely Niki’s half) because it had a newer couch but this was shot in the afternoon and heat rises. He was sweating like a pig from that and because he’s lying his ass off.


dont get it wont Milwaukee PD stop showing up at patricks house after the 10th time?
If they stop following the proper proTocol, that opens up a lolsuit opportunity for Fatso if something bad actually happens. 1.7 thought the self-swats would be perfect as it would get his stalkers thrown in prison, and possibly a lolsuit opportunity on top of that if the cops didn't show up to an actual emergency *or* they roughed him up too much during a fake 911 call. Assuming the MPD knows what's up, they did the right thing.


Stand Alone Fruit
If they stop following the proper proTocol, that opens up a lolsuit opportunity for Fatso if something bad actually happens. 1.7 thought the self-swats would be perfect as it would get his stalkers thrown in prison, and possibly a lolsuit opportunity on top of that if the cops didn't show up to an actual emergency *or* they roughed him up too much during a fake 911 call. Assuming the MPD knows what's up, they did the right thing.
They def wanted the cops to fuck up so they could sue. That’s why Niki recorded Pat flipping out at them while they remained calm and kept claiming the police “almost” broke their door more than once yet no damage was done.

Once that failed they turned it into “using our white privilege” to properly call out the police for…doing their job.

What’s funny is through all this all Pat and Niki has done is make them the town assholes nobody likes. The cops all hate him, local officials he oinked at about his fence, the pizza drivers he curses at, his neighbors don’t like when he wakes them up at night with his screams, and trouble for local bars (we still don’t know how he handled himself at that bar that was drink free when the jets lose with Rodgers and ended up with a large tab)

Pat thought this would make him famous but all it’s done is made people his town say to themselves “there’s that asshole” when he goes out into public


Fat bitch with faggot tits
The question they probably asked was “You were Swatted?” but she heard it as “You were Swatted?” Swatting was a new thing in like 2014-15. Every cop in the USA knows about it. What they wouldn’t understand is why a random part time author is the target of them and not a zoomer twitch streamer.
She's a compulsive record corrector too. She probably rattles off a big confusing autistic spiel about cyberstalkers and her husbands work every time they show up and has translated their bafflement into "Oh my god, they don't know what swatting is?" Like any of their life makes a lick of fucking sense.


Stand Alone Fruit
She's a compulsive record corrector too. She probably rattles off a big confusing autistic spiel about cyberstalkers and her husbands work every time they show up and has translated their bafflement into "Oh my god, they don't know what swatting is?" Like any of their life makes a lick of fucking sense.
What’s even worse is the article called Niki an “activist” for how police should handle swatting and procedures related to it. These two assholes prob thought they could grift their way to fame through their bullshit.