Nazi artist redecorates Rick's Rustang

Tagine Enthusiast

Gifted by Lynne!

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Watcha doin' there, fat guy? Calling a false flag right now. "Fuck you" is something an edgy middle schooler/redditor would write, along with the unnecessary swastikas and SS stuff. Shades of "youwillneverfindme1488" all over again. Fake and gay. Fat too.

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
he publicly shames the innocent lesbian couple that were tricked into taking the chairs by posting the cctv image but not this Nazi piece of shit that damaged his property? 🤔


how convenient that it's someone COMPLETELY NEW to the funster pack and not an established account, never ever interacted with anyone but Pat knows it's from "the cult". Not associated with the multiple attacks he claims the have received pre-Norm/11.

in any case I hope Susan is ruined
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12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
So they threw a can of nazi paint at your car, but none of it landed on the Mustang, just in the driveway.

Another classic example of attempted property damage with no actual property damage that Patrick would have to pay for. Crazy how this always happens.


How does that feel?!
I am just growing tired of false flaglinson. I know he needs to ramp it up for the up coming court case but come on.

edit : and heres a couple of three things, patrick has grown far beyond this little realm. he truly is on the way to becoming a viral lol-cow. as others mentioned before, with chris chan drying up and that other freak getting locked up, there is a severe drought for those types of communities and they are finding patposting to be even greener pastures.