my back is so fucked up

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I fucking sneezed after mowing the lawn last year and hurt my lower back so much I couldn’t bend over. The spot still acts up from time to time. Haunts me to think i just had to hold that sneeze in and i would have been fine. Are chiropractors legit?
I had a sneeze a few years ago that dislocated( subluxation) an upper rib. I thought I pinched a nerve and just had to deal with it. I lived with it for like 4 years. It would act up a few times a year and slip. I went to a chiropractor a couple years ago and they reset it an it hasnt acted up since. I wish I would have gone sooner. Its worth going. It might be an easy fix.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Howard Stern mentioned a doctor guy in his second book, I think...I don't know. Read the chapter on "The King of all Mental Illness" and there's a guy there that got Howard out of major back pain issues.


Howard Stern mentioned a doctor guy in his second book, I think...I don't know. Read the chapter on "The King of all Mental Illness" and there's a guy there that got Howard out of major back pain issues.
I remember reading a book i think because of a guest on rogan years ago. Called “Mind Over Back Pain”. All sorts of stuff in the book but a big point iirc was to do the back surgery as a last resort, because often times it is too intrusive and once you do it, you cant undo the fucking up that it might end up doing. Backs are fucked


Go work. Get Sandwiches
I have a fractured foot. I have to get water and pain killers myself. While my GF has a shower. Here's a pic.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
day two have waking up, my back spasming, leading me to fall to
the ground and crawl to the bathroom

have to call in to work to go to chiropractor, i dont want to do either

someone send me pills


just remember this, nigga

EVERY episode of "intervention" starts off with someone having back pain

get that shit under check, or you'll legit end up like that "walking on sunshine" bitch
That says more about lazy junkies than anything. Your back is going to hurt when you spend most of your day slumped over drooling on yourself.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Howard Stern mentioned a doctor guy in his second book, I think...I don't know. Read the chapter on "The King of all Mental Illness" and there's a guy there that got Howard out of major back pain issues.

I think that was Sarno. Who I'm pretty sure was revealed years later as a bloody quack.