Most destructive thing you did as a teenager?

This 16 year old kid went and chopped down a particularly famous and picturesque tree just because. There's a lot of effort considering it's 20 minutes from the road and he's not legally able to drive as it is.

I have nothing on this act of vandalism

I once stole the road sign for my village and had it in my bedroom until I was about 16 brought a girl back and the look on her face made me realise it was pathetic so I threw it in the lake like all mature people do

BBC News - Sycamore Gap tree at Hadrian's Wall cut down by 'vandals'


There's feral honkies in the Smoky Mountains
I'd hang out with my wigger friends in town and we'd get up to all kinds of needless destruction. There was an elementary school that we'd cut through to get to their neighborhood and we'd smash out windows as we went. There was a front end loader there one time and we broke everything we could on it. I remember one time we were walking back from a girl's house and my buddy just ran up to a house and started reefing on their satellite dish. I joined in and we pulled the thing right off the side of the house. This was before streaming. I can't even imagine how pissed off I'd be if I was watching something, completely lost the signal and then went outside to see some assholes yanked my dish off my house for no reason at all. There's so much more too. We were bastards who deserved to get beat.


As young teens before phones we'd play a nice fun game called "Colombian Cartel".....where you'd have two teams that would hide a bag of white powder somewhere and you had to capture and torture each other until someone gave up where it was. Some real nasty shit would happen. Pointing fully loaded paintball guns in kids faces demanding to know where the goods were......shit was like the Stanford prison expiriment.

We were playing that once and it turned into a 10 hour savage free for all. We were a close group of friends and I don't think any of us spoke to each other again after that.


For me? It's Colin Quinn!
Used to unscrew our apartment neighbor's peephole so it would go cling-clanging cross the hall when he slammed the door, you could hear him swearing the entire time he's chasing it down, then lining up the threads. Dropped dead in his forties of alky ulcer rupture, I really think I shaved a decade off this poor prick's life.


-Girl worked in a shoe store in the mall
-18 year old me worked at the same mall
-18 year old me hits on her, give her my number
-She's polite but declines my advances
-While I was in the store she talked about this "hot guy who comes by all the time and they flirt"
-later that night I get calls from her bf "threatening to kick my ass"
-I tell her "Dude yes I hit on her, but she rejected me, but she likes this other dude"
-he befriends me "Bro before hoes, thank you for your service" etc
-I see her the next day, eyes red from crying all night... They broke up. I think she later killed herself

She was brown/Ugandan (of Indian descent).


Oh I forgot...when I saw her the next day, she was crying at work, and she saw me and let out a blood-curdling scream full of rage. No one has ever screamed at me that way. That's what she gets for thinking Im some expendable toss-away she could distract her bf with, while she cheats on him.
I actually played mailbox baseball multiple times. One time I was the driver and my friend knocked one clean off while someone at the house was on the porch. I got really paranoid they saw my car and Id get caught somehow
We used to steal bowling balls from the local lane and throw them out of my friends open convertible car at mailboxes. You could fuck up even the brick mailboxes easily.