Most annoying characters in TV history


This one I think is pretty self explanatory.

He is not funny, never has been, never will be. Everything about him annoys the living shit out of me.

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
He is not funny, never has been, never will be. Everything about him annoys the living shit out of me.
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I never understood what he brought to the show as a character. Not straight enough as a straight man, not funny as comic relief. I didn't get into Seinfeld as a kid because I always caught the opening or closing standup scenes, which I hated. Good writer, fine standup, but fuck him on his own show. Faggot.



Rome is one of my favorite shows ever but Servilia is so fucking annoying. Awww, boohoo, Caesar doesn't want to fuck me anymore so let's kill him. Boohoo, my son rebelled against Octavian/Antony then dies in combat but I'm gonna go "call for justice" in the street like an attention whore because it's all Atia's fault. Just kill yourself, no one cares.


Carmela is a dumb cunt throughout the whole show but she becomes totally insufferable in season four with the Furio simping. Even her hair annoys the shit out of me. Nice Darth Vader helmet hair, bitch.


"How bout them Nefer-titties?" Really, faggot? What tits? She looks like an overgrown child and turns Nucky into a simping faggot. I literally cheer when she dies every time I rewatch Boardwalk. Hate that chipmunk-faced phony girl power piece of shit with a cleft nipple.

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
People leaving out that retard deep voice cunt from Deadwood. I only watched the first 2 episodes but I hated her the fastest I have ever hated a character.
The amount of people saying that Deadwood is one of the greatest shows ever makes me feel fucking crazy

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
the kid from the show “the strain”. Fun show, Not the greatest in history (one of the best pilots though) but my god that kid was absolutely insufferable. The acting, the writing, the character itself. Just horrible.


the kid from the show “the strain”. Fun show, Not the greatest in history (one of the best pilots though) but my god that kid was absolutely insufferable. The acting, the writing, the character itself. Just horrible.
I enjoyed a bit of that show but holy shit did it turn to shit quick.

Mitch Weaver

Wave bye bye, staIker
I’ve seen The Shield countless times and it’s my favorite show ever but this is one ugglllyy uppity negroid. Good actress but she’s so repulsive that she irks me.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
That was until he made that website and then I wished the entire series he would be killed.

lol you can actually view that website - I don't know if it was the writers' intention for that website to make you think he was mentally retarded as well as physical, but it certainly accomplished that.

Nice font choice and background, tardface.