Most annoying characters in TV history


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
She stunk


Stand Alone Fruit
i'm such a fucking fag yo
Since you’re a fan of BBT have they ever had anything Marvel related on the show? By that I mean any Marvel comics merchandise - characters wearing marvel shirts, figures, etc? From what I’ve seen they love comics yet never have any Marvel merch on the show, only DC. Be funny if Marvel was too expensive to use / said no and DC was cheap in comparison.

I worked on MTV’s Real World years ago and when they get to the house their clothes are inspected to make sure they can be used on TV - getting anything with logos cleared etc. so they don’t have to blur out someone’s clothes. One kid came in with a bunch of marvel shirts and the crew had to make him send the clothes back home because Marvel said no and wanted big money to give the OK. He had to call his family and have them buy and send him non logo shirts to wear because almost all his shirts were Marvel.


I have a face like a shovel
Since you’re a fan of BBT have they ever had anything Marvel related on the show? By that I mean any Marvel comics merchandise - characters wearing marvel shirts, figures, etc? From what I’ve seen they love comics yet never have any Marvel merch on the show, only DC. Be funny if Marvel was too expensive to use / said no and DC was cheap in comparison.

I worked on MTV’s Real World years ago and when they get to the house their clothes are inspected to make sure they can be used on TV - getting anything with logos cleared etc. so they don’t have to blur out someone’s clothes. One kid came in with a bunch of marvel shirts and the crew had to make him send the clothes back home because Marvel said no and wanted big money to give the OK. He had to call his family and have them buy and send him non logo shirts to wear because almost all his shirts were Marvel.
i'm using my power of recollection (i'm trying not to google), and for my knowledge- no.

MTV was owned by Viacom, and I can see where you had to be Leary of non-viacom IP's.

BBT is CBS which is Warner Bros, and Warner Bros owned DC

Take this--Green Lantern is one of my favorite characters, however you know the showrunners are shilling to the hire up's by using Green Lantern references in their show rather than Spider-Man, or Captain America (who are more well know than Green Lantern to the General public but are also Marvel properties)


Nighs Wonger, Stupid
Marty Byrd's whore wife who for some reason became the star of the show

Wendy Byrd is the best and has been the star of the show since episode 1. It's so refreshing in this age of rah rah feminist empowerment to see a talented older actress just play an absolute bitch with zero redeeming qualities. Darlene rules, that lawyer lady ruled.

Ruth annoys the fuck out of me. MAWDY! MAWDY! YEW TELD ME YEWD TAKE CARE OF THIS MAWDY!


Stand Alone Fruit
i'm using my power of recollection (i'm trying not to google), and for my knowledge- no.

MTV was owned by Viacom, and I can see where you had to be Leary of non-viacom IP's.

BBT is CBS which is Warner Bros, and Warner Bros owned DC

Take this--Green Lantern is one of my favorite characters, however you know the showrunners are shilling to the hire up's by using Green Lantern references in their show rather than Spider-Man, or Captain America (who are more well know than Green Lantern to the General public but are also Marvel properties)
That makes sense, I knew it had to be something of why you only see DC stuff on the show even though the characters talk about all comics, especially since it’s “nerd culture” and Marvel movies have been bigger than DC.

When I worked on Real World one kid had a vintage type KISS shirt so legal team had to talk Gene Simmons. Surprisingly he let them use it without asking for money since he saw it as free advertising for KISS and could lead to more people buying KISS merchandise. I thought Gene being a typical you know what would ask for money.


I have a face like a shovel
When I worked on Real World one kid had a vintage type KISS shirt so legal team had to talk Gene Simmons. Surprisingly he let them use it without asking for money since he saw it as free advertising. I thought Gene being a typical you know what would ask for money.
I don't mind Gene Simmons because he really doesn't hide that he's a business man who will sell out........

EDIT: i'm gonna be on the look out to see if the writers may have snuck in a Spider-man reference here, and there.......I may have not noticed it before but I'll have to pay attention now


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Since you’re a fan of BBT have they ever had anything Marvel related on the show? By that I mean any Marvel comics merchandise - characters wearing marvel shirts, figures, etc? From what I’ve seen they love comics yet never have any Marvel merch on the show, only DC. Be funny if Marvel was too expensive to use / said no and DC was cheap in comparison.

I worked on MTV’s Real World years ago and when they get to the house their clothes are inspected to make sure they can be used on TV - getting anything with logos cleared etc. so they don’t have to blur out someone’s clothes. One kid came in with a bunch of marvel shirts and the crew had to make him send the clothes back home because Marvel said no and wanted big money to give the OK. He had to call his family and have them buy and send him non logo shirts to wear because almost all his shirts were Marvel.
I think the irl gay one wore the captain America shield shirt, but it could be a Mandela Effect at this point


I have a face like a shovel
but it could be a Mandela Effect at this point
yeah- it could or could be

isn't it odd that most people will google the most trival of things, however aint nobody want there search engine to look down on them for searching answers regarding sheldon from the bbt