Meme Mike making some fawkin’ points

Honey Badger

My father has no penis


  • E57AC3E7-B5CB-4DC1-AA35-EDBFAFDEE898.png
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Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
Could you kindly screencap for those of us that are faggots, but don't also have Twitter accounts? Thanks, Hon.
Nitter's a good workaround if you just wanna check his page unmolested (weimerbunnyhop.jpg)



Accuses Mike of arguing in bad faith, then in the very next sentence accuses him of being a atalker (for years!). You can't make this shit up.
I think he's pretty much broken. He named Null in the lawsuit but now it's not KF. He told the news it was because of Norm and less than 24 hours later it has nothing to do with Norm. Everyone who texts him is the atalker who called in the swaTTing and so are half the people who Tweet at him. The band of atalkers goes from a handful to 60 to whatever. He can't even keep his stories straight. I think the only people who really believe him are the absolute morons like that guy who couldn't even look up the court papers and even after he found them he didn't seem to believe it anyway. He's officially Don Quixote tilting at atalkers.