Meet Tabitha Thea Whited



That’s a dude right? I’d like to buy her some boobies if she’s willing, and an iPad, maybe kiss her too.

We can come back to my place and play twitch video Games if you like. I have a fridge full of beer too. Hey did I tell you I got accepted to stream on Cozy Tv? It’s really cool I can say Nigger there.

I have a roommate though. They/them look kinda like you from the neck down actually. I can only have you over when they/them are out of town fucking other guys. Otherwise they yell at me when I get loud. Sometimes they beat me.

I hope that’s ok with you.

I love you.
This would make for a great favicon. Just sayin


posting here is taking time away from my workouts
I understand why her fiance is marrying her crazy ass, she's hot and he thinks he won't find a girl as good looking as her again

I know the feel, I'm effing a 10/10 chinese girl currently
You should just leave it at a 10/10. That's like saying you got the best apple in a rotten barrel.