Man who lives in the ghetto calls an entire country “shithole.”

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
Pat's an expert on "nucelar" war



yeah it's not like russia is full of oil or natural gas or anything. he is so fucking stupid. and fat.
Shows how stupid you are stlaker, the largest gas deposits on earth are in Niki's stinkhole. We can heat, power, and move the world for centuries on it. The best part is renewable all it takes are a carload of niggers and a few bags of cheetos to produce enough to power a 100 houses for a month.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
The difference in likes is pretty vast, Pat. Based on the things you hold near and dear I guess you suffered a catastrophic loss before you even started.

I can't even be bothered to comment on what a fucking brainless retard he is. Thanks to all the brothermen who did take the time to type it out.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
Buy a lottery ticket; you've had some extraordinary luck.

Yeah, the rooskies used to sell Jews to Israel as a source of hard currency.
I've never had to interact with them for work. I've heard they're a nightmare to deal with. Did you interact with them for work?


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
I've never had to interact with them for work. I've heard they're a nightmare to deal with. Did you interact with them for work?
Yes. There are several Israeli companies that sold stuff that my company needed.

Arrogant cunts, the lot of them, who act like office disputes should be settled with fisticuffs, despite the fact that they're trying to earn your business and should be kissing ass.

God help you if you acknowledge that challenge, as that would be antisemetic; you should just tolerate their nonsense in silence.

I read an interview with an Israeli Muslim once; his survival technique (they have an apartheid-style system, where non-Jews aren't exactly considered people, so he needed a way around that) was to just "do the accent and act like a cunt".

That way they don't know he's Muslim.