Man who lives in the ghetto calls an entire country “shithole.”



That’s the same argument dipshits made for calling Haiti and African countries non-shitholes though.

But then again I’m as irrationally racist against Eastern Europeans as Nana is against the blacks
To be fair to the Russkies they could at least conceive of a dwelling of more than one storey and didn't need to have the wheel and written word introduced to them.


He tries so hard to get these names over like Elmo and sippy cup Caligula. Shit hole country. I posted before about him being the reverse mirror image of trump.
Even though the class system is still very lopsided in Russia Moscow is a world city. Moscow's historic buildings and modern skyline are fairly impressive. Moscow is an Alpha city with only LA and Chicago with the same rating as well as New York as an Alpha extra or whatever they call it. Just because Russia is mostly barren wasteland does not mean it's non-influential and irrelevant on the world stage. If Biden was Russian president Fatty would be praising it. Putin is a psychopath but he knows how to trigger fatty and his ilk.

Момент Силышенко

The Butcher of Slutsk
He would be a stupid vatnik and only slightly less drunk if he lived in Bobruisk, with all the reciting regime propaganda, but the "tough guy" attitude would make a lot more problems for him, as maybe would being a weird feminine fat guy. His house would look the same, just with flower patterns on the wallpaper. Niki dresses like a gopnik anyway, but it would be Dagis farting into her cooze.


I wonder what Pat's opinion was when Trump called Haiti and shithole country.

Tried using the twitter search engine for his past posts, but I think his account might be shadow banned. Then I tried searching "stealthygeek" & "child" and nothing came up, so something definitely up!
It is last I checked. He has been a very naughty faggot on Twitter.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Certainly in terms of infrastructure, institutions (or lack of them) and living standards for 99% of people it's a dump. Some beautiful geography and interesting history and culture though.
Indeed, a fascinating culture with a rich history. Mostly ignored by westerners. It’s amazing how academics love to look at “global history”, especially “premodern”, but they don’t know shit about Eastern Europe. To them, it’s just part of Germany. I wonder who else thought that?


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
It's the biggest country on earth with the world's largest natural gas reserves, as well as huge amounts of coal, oil, iron ore, timber, rare earth metals and a laundry list of chemical elements like copper and zinc. Why would anyone want that? Fat Pig is basing his opinion on Rocky 4 and Red Heat.
What if it was rocky 4, in space? With drago played by a nazi space leopard and the hero boxer Boe Jiden as a loveable sometimes forgetful grandfather space crab?