Man who lives in the ghetto calls an entire country “shithole.”


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
I am not saying Russia is some amazing place, but has anyone seen St Petersburg? Place looks pretty fawkin’ cool.

Fatso, on the other hand, lives in section 8.



It's the biggest country on earth with the world's largest natural gas reserves, as well as huge amounts of coal, oil, iron ore, timber, rare earth metals and a laundry list of chemical elements like copper and zinc. Why would anyone want that? Fat Pig is basing his opinion on Rocky 4 and Red Heat.


I have been around the world and the list of countries that ARENT shitholes is much much smaller than the list of ones that are. I don’t care about their natural gas or potatoes, Russia is a shithole. The Ukraine is even more of one.
Certainly in terms of infrastructure, institutions (or lack of them) and living standards for 99% of people it's a dump. Some beautiful geography and interesting history and culture though.

Serious Business

Hooli's for me forever, sta‎lker. Never for you.
Certainly in terms of infrastructure, institutions (or lack of them) and living standards for 99% of people it's a dump. Some beautiful geography and interesting history and culture though.
That’s the same argument dipshits made for calling Haiti and African countries non-shitholes though.

But then again I’m as irrationally racist against Eastern Europeans as Nana is against the blacks