Louis CK doc. Sorry/Not Sorry

Sue Lightning

I watched some podcast he was on during his “comeback tour” and was shocked at how falsely “open” he was about all this. He didn’t avoid the fact that his life had been fucked up but all of his “self analyzation” and awareness was simply rooted in bullshit.

“Oh man my life got fucked up and i lost my fame but it made me focus on the craft and love comedy again.”

Nothing about “Yes it was weird for me to jerk off in front of employees but i think i did that because when i was younger…” You know, what an actually self aware person would be.

Its so fucking obvious his ego was not tempered and the only shame he feels is the fact that he lost his reputation / fame.

Professor Rape

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I remember I told my hot coworker about this story when it happened (2016?) and she said "What's the big deal? I'd love it if a guy asked if he could jerk off in front of me, I wanna see that."

And for YEARS I always thought back to that and thought, "yeh Louis CK did nothing wrong, those women are retarded cunts." and I only just realized a week or so ago that that was an invitation that I could jerk off in front of her. FUCK.

Turk February

Our experiences exceed yours.
Fun trivia from IMDb


black suit and a smile
I remember I told my hot coworker about this story when it happened (2016?) and she said "What's the big deal? I'd love it if a guy asked if he could jerk off in front of me, I wanna see that."

And for YEARS I always thought back to that and thought, "yeh Louis CK did nothing wrong, those women are retarded cunts." and I only just realized a week or so ago that that was an invitation that I could jerk off in front of her. FUCK.
She definitely mentioned the conversation with some other guy who figured it out straight away and got to shoot jizz at her.
Nothing about “Yes it was weird for me to jerk off in front of employees but i think i did that because when i was younger…” You know, what an actually self aware person would be.

So self awareness would be making himself the victim and blaming some bullshit story a therapist encouraged? Yeah okay.

Louie has a lifelong love of jerking it and being kind of exhibitionist about it. He didn’t try to make up some horseshit childhood story, he didn’t just denydenydeny and say the women were extorting him, and he didn’t pretend to have undergone some radical change of heart.

He’s a giga-coomer. He always has been. He is self-aware of it. He definitely cooms to the memory of jerking in front of those broads.
I'll never understand the disgraced rich who still feel the need to be out there. Just STFU and afford everything you ever want until to die. Fuck off.
I think at a certain point the novety of “omfg I’m on a beach!” or whatever you’re doing in retirement wears off for a lot of people if they don’t have their mission or passion in life anymore. How many days in a row can you fish or drink beer at a ski lodge before you get bored?

Opie’s shitty livestream for 12 people is a prime example.