Look who's headed to Milwaukee...

Piece of shit is really stretching for content


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It’d be hilarious if Pat just went full autistic retard sperg out and savagely beat Dan’s plump, round little body.

Dan is filming and then a piercing squeak is heard, followed by a brief shot of Fatty giving Dan a knuckle sandwich. Some concerned yells pop out of chubby little Dan as his phone tumbles to the ground. More thumping is heard as round, delicate Dan is getting smothered by pig teats and hooves.

Finally, as Dan’s phone cam points towards the ceiling, a loud, booming, Chyna-esque voice belts out “Joo will not hit my mang!” followed by the sound of a swift swing of a brick-laden purse and Fatty’s limp body hitting the floor.

Brief frame of Conchita as she stands triumphantly over a spasming Fatty and a nearly dead Dan.


looking for a vehicle
It’d be hilarious if Pat just went full autistic retard sperg out and savagely beat Dan’s plump, round little body.

Dan is filming and then a piercing squeak is heard, followed by a brief shot of Fatty giving Dan a knuckle sandwich. Some concerned yells pop out of chubby little Dan as his phone tumbles to the ground. More thumping is heard as round, delicate Dan is getting smothered by pig teats and hooves.

Finally, as Dan’s phone cam points towards the ceiling, a loud, booming, Chyna-esque voice belts out “Joo will not hit my mang!” followed by the sound of a swift swing of a brick-laden purse and Fatty’s limp body hitting the floor.

Brief frame of Conchita as she stands triumphantly over a spasming Fatty and a nearly dead Dan.
Fatso would absolutely be the type to sucker punch somebody, assuming he didn't cower in fear and hide on his couch under the pink blanket.

And Flavia would absolutely clean his clock to a sparkling porcelain shine.