Little Mermaid is a nigger now:


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt



The Backbone of America
The war against redheads continues. Shame on Hollywood!
My one ex is a ginger and she'd tell me about how she got fucked out of playing Annie in a play when she was a kid because they picked another girl we know who has curly brown hair. She'd be like "I can sing and I have red hair" and I'd be like "it's because you were a fat kid." She was. She was hot when I was with her but all the pictures at her mom's house from her childhood she was a chubby little ginger idiot.
13% of the population just dominates popular culture. And the thing is, that almost all of it is instantly forgettable garbage. Back in the day, when they had to work for it like everyone else, they churned out talents like Jimi, black Michael Jackson, and Prince. Nowadays, though, it's just disposable trash, junk that everyone fawns over for five minutes then forgets about. Like that retarded black "Wonder Years" remake from a few years back. No one wanted it, no one cared, no one remembers it. Lacking any original ideas, they just said "let's take that old white show and make it black and thus better". And the result was disposable garbage, quickly forgotten junk.

I wonder if the new black "Little Mermaid" remake will feature a fat sassy black woman, or an evil hateful white person? I wonder if everyone will spasmodically dance and twitch around?

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
13% of the population just dominates popular culture. And the thing is, that almost all of it is instantly forgettable garbage. Back in the day, when they had to work for it like everyone else, they churned out talents like Jimi, black Michael Jackson, and Prince. Nowadays, though, it's just disposable trash, junk that everyone fawns over for five minutes then forgets about. Like that retarded black "Wonder Years" remake from a few years back. No one wanted it, no one cared, no one remembers it. Lacking any original ideas, they just said "let's take that old white show and make it black and thus better". And the result was disposable garbage, quickly forgotten junk.

I wonder if the new black "Little Mermaid" remake will feature a fat sassy black woman, or an evil hateful white person? I wonder if everyone will spasmodically dance and twitch around?

Some of my favorite movies are Spike Lee movies. The dude is a asshat, but his work was great.


If it flops, blame racism. Critics aren’t allowed to give it a bad review. Disney keeps fawkin winning.

That Lightyear movie was more about the child of a black lesbian couple than Buzz Lightyear. My bigot 3 year old couldn’t sit through 5 minutes of it.
Only person I've come across who has discussed the Lightyear movie is a girl in her 20s with pink hair who still lives at home and watches Disney movies, and will probably watch this and tell me about it.

That's their audience, not actual children, but the mentally undeveloped 20 somethings of today.