Life At The Outpost


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
I think its cool that Im wide awake and alert at 5:30 from the sunrise and the mosquitoes in my face. Warm beds and air conditioning have really motherfucked my sleep schedule.

It gets cool at night, but this heat is fucking unbearable right now. Easily 100 with no shade anywhere. These beaners are insane
Nigga what are you doing camping in the fawkin’ desert? Sounds lame as shit. Go camp somewhere there’s forests, stupid.


Shock Jock
Nigga what are you doing camping in the fawkin’ desert? Sounds lame as shit. Go camp somewhere there’s forests, stupid.
I didnt expect to be kicked out of the barracks 3 weeks before my contract ended, those ssssscumbags. I have to wait until next week for my buddy to get out here so we can start the roadtrip. Not doing this for fun, just homeless. I still am enjoying it though to be honest witcha