Legit Question: 9/11


Which one do you ACTUALLY believe and why?
Jews willing their "messianic age" into existence.

Public opinion behind the Patriot act that Biden penned in the mid 90s, and giving carte blanche to creating a surveillance state.

(((Defense contractors))) wanted endless gibsmedat.

Israel wanted us to whack all their enemies, destabilize the region and flood the west with subhumans to further erode the White majorities.

Take control of the middle eastern drug fields and drop it into our cities (opioid crisis)

Take the data of dealing with small insurgent scuffles over the course of 20 years and implement it domestically.


hard drive full of CP media
I was listening to recordings & transcripts of Air Traffic Control (& some phone calls) on 9/11, although it's labelled as 'IT Tech', it was actually a call between military stations 'Huntress' & 'Giant Killer', so the woman who got excited was obvious in a significant military role
No, it is ID Tech. Identification technician at NEADS. It never ceases to amaze me how much weight conspiracy theorists are willing to put to this kind of shit wile simultaneously failing to spend 2 minutes googling it. You will also find the name of the person and context of the call.


hard drive full of CP media
Seriously? I think the worst the government could be accused of was letting it happen to further their agenda.
Realistically, though, the US government can be blamed for being incompetent at preventing the attack and then after the fact using it to further a bad agenda. After 20 years, there is still zero evidence the US government was complicit in the attack.

But for the sake of argument, let's say Chaney did it. Secret agents flew two planes into the WTC towers in a false flag attack, so they can invade Afghanistan, Iraq and so on.

But wait... two giant jet liners hitting the towers isn't dramatic enough... we also need to rig the towers and one additional tower with explosives!

That's batshit insane. Shows that people just want it to be a big fat conspiracy.
No, it is ID Tech. Identification technician at NEADS. It never ceases to amaze me how much weight conspiracy theorists are willing to put to this kind of shit wile simultaneously failing to spend 2 minutes googling it. You will also find the name of the person and context of the call.
I wasn't putting any conspiracy weight on it at all, I probably should've posted the audio clip - it's just some military broad getting excited at a real hijacking, I read nothing more into it.

There's other weirdness about 911, but I wasn't implying this is it.

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
Realistically, though, the US government can be blamed for being incompetent at preventing the attack and then after the fact using it to further a bad agenda. After 20 years, there is still zero evidence the US government was complicit in the attack.

But for the sake of argument, let's say Chaney did it. Secret agents flew two planes into the WTC towers in a false flag attack, so they can invade Afghanistan, Iraq and so on.

But wait... two giant jet liners hitting the towers isn't dramatic enough... we also need to rig the towers and one additional tower with explosives!

That's batshit insane. Shows that people just want it to be a big fat conspiracy.

I think people take a leap from not believing what they see and think there has to be some other explanation. Like a raging inferno melting steel, but there's dozens of people standing in a gaping hole waving clothing like a flag.