Kike Hate Thread

The Aussie cops aren't going to kill him, lol. I still maintain he should try that shit on with a nigger.

It's just stupid to bother old ladies. They're not going to change their minds and they're dead soon anyways. AT LEAST bother people who might have an effect on society in the long term.
Dumb old white women are part of the problem you fucking idiot. They fall for jew schemes easiest.
Everyone here should watch that video.

I don’t think that guy was a shitbag at all.

Those White women being led by a kike were attention whoring and virtue signaling by being traitors to their country. They were seeking attention and they got it!

They will soon be dead and they are basic saying “fuck you” on their way out. A nigger invader just killed a woman in Queensland and they have nothing to say about that.

That man is a hero. We need more men to put women in their place. These women should be spending time with their grandkids while men run the world. If society was structured like this, this immigration crisis wouldn’t even be happening.

“What are you stupid bitches doing and how many of you are fucking Jewish” may be the greatest opening line of any viral video ever.
Anyone got any other good vids like this?


Yeah he's a real tough guy yelling at old women. He's taking back the west! No he can't go scream at niggers because they'll kill his stupid ass and that would be sad for him so instead he does the big brave thing and harasses people who he knows can't hurt him.

He's basically Superman
Talk shit about the guys in the replies posting groypers and pepes saying "le based!" not the guys actually out there telling these old bitches to fuck off with their signs.

It's like when Opie went to the wallstreet protests and made fun of all the retards with their 4chan masks, and actually appreciated the guys who knew what they were talking about and trying to accomplish something.


Jewish ritual murder through the ages:



I miss Norm
The noticing is getting stronger.

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They are trying to remove him now because of this:

They took away his staff and his committee position, but he still hasn't backed down. Hopefully, he doesn't, but they will demonize him and run him out of office if they can't control him.
"What I find strange is the agenda to demoralize and reduce the white portion of our population."