Kike Hate Thread

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
Controlled opposition Tusli is reading off her AIPAC script.



Great food
This whole thing has me so confused. The right seems to be sympathizing with the kikes while the far left seems to be pro Palestine.

There's a lot more anti-kike stuff coming from college campuses than I was expecting. Hopefully the real education begins when these kids are penalized for having the 'wrong' opinion, and they see how pozzed everything is.
This whole thing has me so confused. The right seems to be sympathizing with the kikes while the far left seems to be pro Palestine.

There's a lot more anti-kike stuff coming from college campuses than I was expecting. Hopefully the real education begins when these kids are penalized for having the 'wrong' opinion, and they see how pozzed everything is.
I think most people under 25 just see jews as white people. The (((spell))) hasn't been cast on them yet - that you're not allowed to criticize jews in any way or you're a nazi and won't be able to get a job for the rest of your life.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Glenn Beck claims he was born to serve the kikes and asks for citizenship.

Glenn Beck is such a fucking cuck. Either that or knowing how much people hate him, if he joined the Jews there would absolutely be a holocaust, making him Crypto Based.