Kike Hate Thread


Keyboard Warrior
Blacks Dont Need To Fight Climate Change.jpeg

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.

View attachment 3226


View attachment 3225
I was told today by a creative director that "your body of work was superior to some of the candidates we have talked to and you are a more seasoned version of what we had in the person that left" but didn't get the job because "to be brutally honest, I am receiving immense pressure to hire someone that isn't a white male."

Falling Down was an instruction manual.


Keyboard Warrior
I was told today by a creative director that "your body of work was superior to some of the candidates we have talked to and you are a more seasoned version of what we had in the person that left" but didn't get the job because "to be brutally honest, I am receiving immense pressure to hire someone that isn't a white male."

Falling Down was an instruction manual.
I, too, was screwed over completely by a Jew at work today.


Keyboard Warrior
Give us the juicy deets
I do services work tied to enterprise software sales. Manager of a few years leaves, is replaced by Jew.

Jew decides to save some shekels by getting a bid from competitor, even though I do great work.

I explain that though competitor is cheaper, they don't provide what I provide in terms of services (the competitor is just a seller of the same sw, doesn't offer services). I keep my rates relatively low so as to be incentivized to perform great work for high value. Part of my 'salary' is the renewal. I explain this very clearly. I also explain that if the renewal isn't done through my company, I will no longer support this client.

Nope -- cheaper shekels wins.

Thankfully I have other clients, and I will focus on them because they reward me for my work. I feel bad for users though. They absolutely need my support right now and are screwed so the company can save a few thousand dollars. The company, by the way, is well known and absolutely has the funding. Short to mid-term, they're not going to find someone who could do what I do at my rate, and may not be able to find someone even available at all.

My commission on the deal is literally more than my dad made in a year when I was growing up.

So again, everyone loses, except the Jew, who will probably pocket the difference as a bonus for saving his department money while the userbase scrambles. And if anything goes wrong when the users manually fix things, they can be heavily fined by regulatory agencies.

I, of course, am not bitter at all, and wish them all the luck in the world.